angst : : FOURTEEN

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STORM WOKE UP SORE and exhausted. not in the mood. bill wasn't beside her. she reached over, confused. her vision still a little blurred. getting up to look throughout their apartment. when she noticed he wasn't in the apartment either her first thought was to pull out her phone.

calling him. he picked up on the third ring and she was relieved. but still pissed at the fact he left without saying anything. "bill skarsgard, where the fuck are you." she yelled.

"i'm. out."

"at, 9 in the fucking morning bill?"

"yeah." he scoffed, chuckling. his voice high.

"come the fuck home. now. i swear to god bill, i am not playing with you." she demanded.

"you might wanna watch your mouth, storm. i'm really not in the mood."

"well, come home! why the fuck didn't you say you'd be going out his early? huh?"

"well, how do you think i felt when i fucking came home and you weren't here? hm? cause you were out fucking laughing in the faces of the motherfuckers you knew i didn't like. how do you think i felt?"

storm didn't say anything. he had a point. she couldn't even argue with it. "that's what i thought. i'll be home in a few." he hung up and she felt like pulling her hair out of her head.

it was so frustrating. everything about this relationship was frustrating. and now she was regretting telling him to come home. cause she wanted to leave. and now she'd have to do it fast.

she gathered every single bag she could. even the bag they took when they left town. it was pure nostalgia. five months ago they were so happy with each other. bill never even thought about laying a harmful finger on her or saying hateful words to her and about her.

she was stuck inside the nostalgia. how in the hell did they get to this place. a place they weren't accustomed to loving inside of. they didn't know how to love each other right.

storm stuffed her things in suitcases and bags. not knowing bill was only across the street. there was a bar on every corner in new york. she must've forgotten. she heard the door slam shut and she stopped in her tracks. throwing everything underneath their bed as fast as she could.

but not fast enough. "what are you doing?" bill asked. looking around the room. "storm, what the fuck you've made a damn mess in here?"

"i was just looking for something." she shook her head.

"where did all our shit go?" bill asked while he grabbed a hanger to hang his jacket up. "where did all your shit go?"

bill was starting to connect the dots and he turned around a gave her a scolding look. walking over to her. "move." she had her back to the bed frame to cover up the suitcase and the bags that were barely under the bed.

he pulled them from under and grabbed everything out of the bags. "where you trying to leave me storm? why?"


"go then. leave. finish packing and get out."

storm wanted to say no but that would be so contradicting. she didn't want him to want him to want her to go.

"you wanna leave? go ahead. i'm sick of people always leaving me. and i fight for them to stay everytime. i'm not now. so go. i love you with all my heart but i'm not gonna fight with you anymore."

"no. i'm not leaving."

"you just said you were."

"i'm not now."

bill punched at the wall. "you're gonna drive me crazy. what in the hell is wrong with you storm? what the hell is wrong with you." he grabbed at her face.

"bill, i don't wanna leave-"

"are you insane? hm? do you want me to hurt you? is that what you want?" bill got louder because he was getting angrier.

he grabbed at her neck. shortening her breath. "bill stop. please." she begged. he let go as each word got raspier. he grabbed the both of her hands and threw her on the ground, punching her numerous times. harder each punch. pulling at her hair.

storm yelled for him to stop. he didn't. her lip was busted and her cheekbones were purple. bruised and battered.

bill couldn't hear over storms yelling that harry and alana had walked in, suspicion in their very own eyes. now running to the room to see bill beating her.harry couldn't believe his eyes.

"bill, what the fuck are you doing, man?" harry yelled, pulling bill off of her.

"spider it's none of your fucking business, get off of me!"

alana comforted storm as harry pulled bill out of their room. "are you okay?" she asked. hugging her.

"bill,  what the fuck is wrong with you man? how long have you been fucking doing this to her? are you insane?"

"and you're a saint?" bill chimed in. wiping the blood from the scratches storm gave him. "spider she tried to leave me."

"well you ever think to stop doing this and maybe she won't try? you're only pushing her away more! why are you so bloody angry, huh? what did she ever do to you?"

"she drives me insane. i swear. she knows how to push my buttons. how to drive me mad. spider you don't understand it." he shook his head.

"i'm fine." storm told alana. "i just feel a little lightheaded." she shook her head and held her eyes closed shut.

"well yeah, being punched in the head numerous time can do that to you."

"alana i'm- im pregnant."

"you're what?"

"i'm pregnant. five weeks."

"i'm gonna kill him," alana got up, storming into the living room. slapping bill as she shoved him off the couch. "you're an animal!"

"lana!" bill yelled.

storm stood watching.

"what are you doing?" bill yelled as alana continued to hit him.

"she's pregnant!" bill paused and looked at storm. same reaction from harry. "she's pregnant you asshole! you're disgusting, you know that?" she yelled. "you're hitting on the mother of your child? you're a coward. you make me so sick."

"storm? is she lying?"

"no. i'm pregnant."

YALL. i got a great idea. i'm not sure what you'd think tho. but it's wild. give me time.

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