angst : : TEN

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STORM WOKE UP TO bill. his lovely blue eyes right in front of her very own. "what?" she asked. wondering why he was all in her face.

"i love you. and i'm sorry. i promise to never hurt you again, snake."

"i love you too," she paused. "and i forgive you." she told him, grabbing his face and kissing him.

that's why he loved her. her capabilities to look past the bad in people. to always give them another chance to prove themselves. all bill needed was one more chance to prove himself.

bill chose to finally apologize because all he could think about was his mother. he began thinking about storm as a mom, and then his. how she was so beautiful. bill was such a huge splitting image of his mother. like all her features spilled into him. silky blonde hair with a perfect looking bang. perfectly chiseled chin. bright blue eyes. an incredible body. he had no idea how his drunk for a father could've pulled a woman like his mom. she was incredible and he wished storm could've gotten the chance to even meet her.

"look." bill put his finger up. leaving the room and entering with a tray of food. she wasn't sure if he had cooked it all by himself but it was a nice touch.

"did you cook this?"

"not necessarily. alana came over while you were sleeping and helped me."

she bit into the french toast. it wasn't bad. but it wasn't great. "hm." she hummed.

"you like it?"

she made a uncertain face. "yeah."

"harry is moving back in with alana. so soon," he crept closer to her. "it'll be just me and you."

she laughed as he kissed her. he loved kissing her. she had the greatest lips ever. "i've missed just us."

"ditto. but hurry, eat your food and get dressed i have a surprise."

"baby, i have work."

bill really didn't wanna get angry. he held everything he could in. he was trying to be nice and look at what she was doing. "then we'll make it quick. hurry."

it was around 7 or 8 and storm had to open up the daycare at 10. they had to be really quick, whatever it was.

"what's this place?" storm asked.

"my grandmas." bill paused and watched her grin.

𝗔𝗻𝗴𝘀𝘁 : : BILL SKARSGÅRD ❀Where stories live. Discover now