Kinky Bastard

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In this Bill is just a normal teenager.  No powers, he's just super gay for Dipper.

Also Dipper and Pacifica are together.... But bill and dipdop are best friends. You'll see.



•3rd person pov•



Bill groaned as he turned over and grabbed his phone. 'This better be good. It's too damn early for this.' he thought. He pulled up his messages and saw it was from his best friend Dipper. He quickly sat up and rubbed his eyes.

Dippy: Hey Cipher. I know it's like hella early but I need you to come pick me up.

Dippy: Me and Pacifica got into another fight because I've been drinking.

He sighed softly and started to text back.

Bill: Yea sure. Where are you at??

Dippy: Gideon's.....

Bill grabbed his keys and sent one last text.

Bill: Okay. I'll be there soon but didn't you decide not to hang out with him anymore?

Dippy: You told me not to. But yea I really shouldn't...

Bill chuckled softly and put his phone down as he started his car. He drove to Gideon's, a drive he made quite often. As he pulled up he saw Dipper on the steps, he rolled down the passenger window. "Hey stranger, need a ride?" Dipper looked up and laughed while getting into the car. Bill started to pull out of the driveway as Dipper started to talk, "Hey, uh... C-can I stay with you? Im pretty drunk and you know how Stan and Ford are..."
Bill laughed softly, "Sure, you know I can't say no to you."

On the ride back Dipper told Bill all about the fight that he and Pacifica had. "Why don't you just break up with her?" Bill sighed. Dipper looked down, "Because she's rich and if I do shell destroy my family..." Bill focused on the road. Soon they pulled into his driveway, "You know the drill, parents aren't home so we got it to ourselves." Dipper laughed and got out of the car. He gasped, "Wait, do you have booze?" Bill looked at him. "Your gonna be an alcoholic before your 20..." Dipper acted offended, "How dare you! I'll be an alcoholic before I go to college this fall."

Bill pulled out a few different liquor bottles, "Ugh. Don't remind me." Dipper grabbed two cups and started pouring, "At least we get to go to the same college." Bill nodded in agreement. He looked at Dipper as he poured their drinks. He has had a crush on Dipper since middle school. Ever since then they've been best friends.

Dipper turned to Bill and handed him the drink, "Well I'm too sober so that means you must be too sober, so I made yours a bit stronger." Bill smelled the drink, "Dippy is this straight vodka?" Dipper downed his, "Nooo.... It's gay vodka!" Bill laughed at his stupid joke and downed the drink. Dipper knew Bill was gay and Bill knew that Dipper was super confused. Dipper didn't know what he liked so he usually said he was straight.

After a few more drinks they were both laughing at each other. Dipper got up to go to the bathroom but he "accidentally" fell on top of Bill. They both laughed for a moment but then Dipper was looking Bill in the eyes. Bill noticed and asked, still laughing, "What?" Dipper laughed slightly but still looked at Bill, "Your amazing... Do you know that?" Bill blushed but laughed slightly and looked away in hopes that Dipper wouldn't notice.

Dipper grabbed Bill's chin and made him look at him. "Bill." He said softly. "Y-yea d-dippy...?" Bill asked. Dipper got a bit closer to Bill's face, "I really..." He got closer, "Really...." He was almost kissing Bill, "Like you." He closed the gap between the two.

Bill instantly kissed back. He rapped his arms around Dippers neck while Dippers hands held his hips loosely as they laid on the couch. It felt like they were kissing forever, suddenly there was a knock. At first they kept kissing. Then there it was again, so bill pulled away. A string of saliva connected them as there was another knock. " should go to the bathroom while I get that." Bill whispered. Dipper nodded and got off of Bill.

Bill opened the door to see Dippers twin Mabel. The only person who knows about his little crush. "Hey Bill. Is dipdop here?" She asked, clearly very tired. "Y-yea... What's wrong?" He asked as he saw Pacifica in Mabel's car. She sighed, "Dipper broke up with Pacifica..." Bill looked down, "Really... He told me they didn't..." Mabel's looked at him softly, "Oh..." Bill looked at her, "Do you know why..?" She sighed, "They broke up because Dipper told Pacifica he likes you."   Just then a pair of arms wrapped around Bill's waist. Bill looked at Mabel, "Yea... I kinda figured that out."

Dipper groaned at the boring conversation. His face lit up as he thought of something to say. "Hey Mabel, can you take Pacifica and go... We were kinda in the middle of a really great makeout section." Bill's face went bright red and Mabel nodded as Dipper closed the door.

Bill looked up at Dipper. "S-so you guys broke up because of me..?" Dipper chuckled and pinned Bill against the door and said, "Of course." "B-but why...." Bill asked looking up at the slightly older boy. Dipper smirked and kissed Bill's cheek, "She kinda... Figured out and made me confront you." Bill started in disbelief, "Wait what do you mean?" Dipper sighed, "She likes Mabel so she texted you on my phone saying we got into a fight and told you to pick me up." Bill looked down then back up at Dipper and giggled. He slipped away from Dipper and went back to the den. He put a movie on as Dipper sat down a bit confused. As the movie started bill went over and sat in Dippers lap facing the older boy. He closed the gap between their lips. It started sweet and soft but soon they were in a very passionate makeout. Dipper stood carrying Bill back to the room without breaking the kiss.

Bill was thrown down onto the bed. He quickly took off his shirt as he saw Dipper start to take his own off. As soon as both shirts were discarded Dipper had Bill pinned down to the bed and was marking the youngers neck with hickeys and bite marks.

Soon Dipper had kissed down to the waist band of Bill's pants. He slowly pulled down the sweatpants to reveal no boxers. Dipper smirked and looked up at Bill who was blushing like crazy. "That makes my job easier." Dipper mumbled to no one in particular. He smirked up at Bill as he ran his tounge up bills length. He bobbed his head on Bill as he reached down and started to undo his own pants. He slipped his hand into his own boxers and started to slowly rub his hard length.

Dipper pulled off of Bill with a pop and stripped off his own pants and boxers. He began to kiss bill again but now Bill was back on Dippers lap. As they kissed Bill slid a lubed finger into himself, then another. He started to stretch himself as he kissed Dipper. Soon he handed the lube to Dipper and nodded. Dipper put the lube on his painfully hard length. Bill was back on Dippers lap wearing a strange chocker *wink* and a ring on his member. Bill lined himself up on Dippers lap and slowly slid down onto Dipper. He moaned softly pulling Dipper out of the daze he was in. Dipper gripped Bill's hips as the younger bounced on his lap. Moans came from the younger causing Dipper to become even more aroused. (How? No one knows.)

He quickly pulled out of Bill and put him face down on the bed. He grabbed Bill's hips and slid back into him. Dipper hit Bill's bundle of nerves causing Bill to moan alot louder. He smirked and started to abuse the nerves. After a few thurst Bill had a dry orgasm. Dipper grabbed Bill's hair and pulled it as he continued to abuse the bundle of nerves. Bill's moans were even louder as he continued to dry orgasm multiple times. Finally Dipper came on bills back. He flipped Bill over and pulled on the chocker causing their lips to crash together. Bill gently slid the ring off of himself and held on to Dipper as his oragsms actually hit him.

They both laid back on to the bed. Dipper laughed quietly, "Your a kinky son of a bitch." Bill laughed. He snuggled into Dippers chest, "I love you." He whispered before falling asleep. Dipper sighed contently, "I love you too."

Bill x Dipper {One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now