Friendly help

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Sorry I haven't updated..... Take this as an apology! 


-Dippers Pov-

I yawned as I looked at my phone. 

4:44 AM

I groaned, "Why am I awake!?" I stared up at the ceiling in silence. It was pointless to try, the harder I try to sleep the less likely I am to actually do it. As I'm staring up I hear my door creak open and when I look over I see Mabel. "Can't sleep?" I ask. She simply nods and I move over so she has room to lay. "I heard to so I came in." She stated simply. I nod, yawning again, "Well, why can't you sleep?" She shrugs then yawns as well. I chuckle and roll over, "Try to sleep, okay? Love you, goodnight." She says her good nights and we both fall asleep on my bed.

I wake up when I feel the weight behind me disappear. Then my door creaks and when I open my eyes Mabel is gone. I roll onto my back and check the time on my phone.

6:23 AM

I yawn and sit up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I get up to eat and shower. Today is mine and Mabel's last day of senior year. After today I go to Gravity Falls and Mabel will be going to a school in Washington state.

Once I'm ready I drive to the hell me and Mabel call school. We don't have any classes together so we say our goodbyes for now and each go our separate ways.

When class is finally over I meet up with Mabel as we get ready for our graduation. Our class is huge so of course it took forever but after we took a lot of pictures. We said goodbye to our friends that we probably wouldn't see for a while and left to go pack.

~ The Next Day ~

I woke up relatively early and took a shower. When everyone else was up we ate breakfast and I left to catch my bus. I said bye to my parents and to Mabel who I would see again in about a month. On the bus I sat in the very back and prepared for the long ride. 

I was greeted by Soos once I got to the Mystery Shack since Stan and Ford were still gone. When I was settled in the attic I plopped down onto the bed and passed out. Soos woke me up later to eat and I stayed up to do some stuff on my laptop. 

It was around 2 AM when I heard a knock on the window. I went over and opened the window to see a tan man in a yellow sweater. "What do you want Bill?" He looked at me in shock. "Wha- How did you know it was me!?" I chuckled, "Because its obvious. So, what do you want?" He climbed inside and sat on the other bed pouting. "Well if you're just gonna pout I have stuff to do." I said as I continued what I was doing on my laptop.

It was oddly quiet so I stopped typing and looked at the tan male that was now sitting beside me on the bed. I groaned and sat my laptop down beside me. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed, "What is it Bill?" He looked at me and sighed then started to explain, "Fine.... I'm stuck as a human and I need help being a convincing human. I know you probably hate me but... this is my punishment and I don't know how to be 'human'."

I laughed and put my hand on his shoulder, "Wow the great Bill Cipher is stuck as a human! That's great." He just stared at me for a minute before responding, "So, are you gonna help me or..." I sighed, "Yea, I guess I can help you."

~Hours of teaching later~

"So, that's the basics. Anything else you want to learn to do..?" He sat in front of me on the bed messing with his fingers. "There is one more thing...." he mumbled and blushed. I leaned a bit closer to hear him better, "What did you say Bill." He sighed and said it again a little louder. I nodded signaling for him to tell me. He sighed quickly, "H-How do you kiss someone...?" He mumbled the end. "What was that?" He blushed and said it again in a normal volume. "Oh..." 

He looked down at his lap blushing like crazy. "Well, The only way to really teach someone to kiss is by showing them." He looked at me head tilted slightly in confusion, "What do you mean?" I sighed, "You need to be closer." He scooted forward a bit. "Closer." He got a bit closer. I sighed and grabbed him, pulling him into my lap. His blush got even brighter as he looked at me. "Now, you have to close you eyes and relax." I told him. He nodded and did as I said becoming less tense in my arms. Then I brought my face closer to him and whispered, "Now just stay calm." Then our lips met in a soft kiss. His arms slowly and nervously came up to my shoulders as we continued to kiss. Then he leaned into me deepening the kiss.

When we pulled away he rested his forehead on mine and we looked into each others eyes. "Now do you know how?" I asked in a whispered voice. He was quiet for a second then said, "No, I think we need to do it one more time..." I chuckled as we kissed again. This one was more passionate as I flipped him onto his back. His fingers tangled into my hair as my hands slipped into his shirt and caressed his sides. We pulled away long enough for both of our shirts to get tossed to unknown corners of the room.

I then kissed down his jaw and onto his neck leaving marks as I went down to the top of his jeans. I looked up at him to see him biting his lip with pleading eyes. I chuckled and unbuttoned his pants. I went up to his ear whispering into it, "What do you want to learn now...?" He bite his lip again and turned his face away from me.

I grabbed his chin and pulled him to look me in the eyes and I asked again more stern this time, "What do you want me to do?" He looked at me clearly embarrassed and mumbled, "I want you to please me." I smirked, "What was that...?" He sighed "I want you to please me and I want to please you." he said louder. I kissed under his ear, "Oh really." He nodded looking up at me. I smirked at him and got up. "To bad, I have to finish my work." I said and grabbed my laptop. 

Bill x Dipper {One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now