Quiet Day part 1

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Hey I'm alive,,, REVIVED FROM THE DEAD! I didn't mean to be gone for SO long, life happened and it was shit but now everything is alright and I'm BACK!

I'll also try to update my other story's too but this one is most important to me since I've been working on it for so long!


Third Person POV

It was a dark night and Dipper had the mystery shack all to himself. Mabel was out with friends and his great uncles were off on a trip.

He loved the sound of silence. Being able to hear his thoughts for once was great. It didn't last long though as a certain triangle in a tan flesh suit came to pester him once again.

"PINETREE~~" Dipper heard the annoying man purr. He reluctantly opened his eyes with a sigh as he glared at the strangely handsome man who was floating just inches above his face.

"Bill, what do you want?" He turned and stared at the wall. He glared at the wall so intently that he completely missed what the older man was up to. He was, however, pulled away from the amazingly interesting wall when he felt the man nip his neck.

"H E Y" Dipper yelped as his hand reached to cover the spot that was warm as blood rushes to the irritated spot. Bill smirked and replied with a smug shrug, "You didn't answer so I was," he hesitated and racked his eyes up the boys form, "getting your attention."

Dipper huffed and stood from his bed walking towards the bathroom. "Go away Bill," the boy said as he shut the bathroom door in the demons face.

Inside the bathroom the flustered boy splashed his warm face with cool water and glared at his reflection. Why? Why was he taken so aback by this dumb demons teasing? What was it about the silence, the mans hot mouth and his slender frame that made him feel so,,, weird.

He took a deep breath before leaving to bathroom to find the tan man lying on his bed half naked. His face exploded into heat. The sight of the other mans bare chest was enough to get him hard let alone his tone stomach. Dipper closed his eyes and cover his face before clearing his throat to get the older mans attention.

"Could,,, could you please put a shirt on? I-" Dipper cut himself off as he heard the man get off the bed. He peaked open an eye to see the shirtless man coming towards him. He kept his face covered as he took a step back for every step Bill took towards him. Soon he ran out of room and had backed himself into the wall.

"You?" Bill questioned, seeming to lead from where the boy had cut off. Dipper didn't dare make an attempt to speak. He kept his face covered as Bill stood directly in front of him looking into his eyes as if he knew everything the boy wanted.

It was quiet for a minute as the two stared at each other, neither willing to continue the unspoken sentence. Dipper closed his eyes and took a deep breath to ease his mind and body of the tension but, as soon as his eyes were closed and he was defenseless he felt warm hands grab his wrists and pin them to the wall behind him. He kept his eyes closed as he didn't need to see the demons face to know that a huge smirk stretched across it at the sight of the youngers bright red face.

Dipper stood, eyes closed and wrists pinned, waiting. Slight anticipation bubbled in the back of his throat and he felt the man get closer to him. It seemed impossibly slow as the man glided his hands from Dippers wrist to his shoulders. Leading up his neck to his jaw. Then warmth was on his cheek, then his other. Then, as he opened his eyes to see what the man was doing, the warmth was on his lips. Still lingering under his skin on his cheeks, the warmth was nice and soft.

The unexpectedly nice feeling made him melt into the man. Though it did not last long as he felt the sharp and talented hands of the man run under his loose fitting tshirt. His cool skin was set on fire, ever inch the the man touched was in flames. Such a delightfully intense feeling made Dipper knees weak and he relied on Bill to continue standing.

He was slipping away into the pleasure of the kiss and roaming hands until one of the hands roughly gripped his waist as the other dipped into the front of his pants. He pulled away from the kiss and let out a choked noise that was somewhere in between confusion and pleasure.

I'll write part 2 in the morning!

Bill x Dipper {One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now