Just a Vibe

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Oh hey here's some fluff for y'all since I don't write fluff like at all and now I'm actually able to. I'm not a brain dead horny boy anymore guys!

Also uuhhh kinda AU,,, Bills human and him and Dip live together.


Third Person POV

It was a long day of answering dumb calls from people who somehow didn't think to restart their devices before calling customer support. Finally Bill was able to clock out of the job he despised, not because of the idiots he dealt with daily, but because he missed his boyfriend constantly.

The way he'd kiss him was all he wanted to feel as he got into his car and drove to their shared apartment. He absentmindedly check to mail as he walked in, only to see a letter from his boyfriends twin sister. He grabbed the letter and started walking up the stairs to his apartment.

As he got closer he could hear a vague noise buzzing from the inside. The closer he got the more he could make out the music and Dippers voice with it. He felt a warmth in his chest as he got out his key and unlocked to door ready to see his amazing partner.

Bill opened the door to his apartment to see his boyfriend dancing to the blaring music he could hear from outside. He smiled as he softly closed the door as to not disturb Dipper.

The younger man was spinning and singing to the song the he has playing on the TV. Suddenly he span into something,,, more like someone. He opened his eyes to see his taller boyfriend chuckling at his "show."

His face erupted into a bright red as he scrambled to turn off the embarrassingly loud music. Once it was off he turned back to look at the man who had intruded on his fun. He smiled at him and kissed his cheek, "Welcome home Bill!"

Bill x Dipper {One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now