The Closet

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Sorry I haven't updated.... there have been... issues....

Also thanks for all the reads!


•Dipper POV•

This... feeling...

I really don't understand this.

I dont know why I agreed to play this game. This is just stupid.

I watch the bottle that Mabel convinces me to spin. It passes everyone in the circle so many times.

No one speaks. We all just watch as the neck of the bottle passes Wendy... then Robbie... then Pacifica...

I dont think I'm breathing. I cant breath... but for some reason I just stay and watch as the bottle keeps turning. It starts to slow down and I can feel my heart pounding against my chest. It barely passes Mabel whose sitting across from me... then it stops on none other then, Bill.

I mean seven minutes in the closet with Mabel would at least give me someone to talk to but... I dont think I've talked to Bill before. I mean other than to ask for a pencil in class. But... seven minutes in a closet with him.

This is gonna be the end of me.

"OKAY! So Dipper..." Mabel talking brings me out of my thoughts as she stands up along with Bill.

"That means you guys get seven minutes in the closet." I sigh and follow them over to the hallway closet. Its just far enough so no one can hear what happens but everyone can see if we leave before the time is up.

My twin opens the door and goes to set a timer on her phone. The closet is barely big enough for one person... let alone two! I sigh one more time then walk in and stand against the right wall. Bill walks in behind me and leans against the other wall. I look at Mabel as she hits start on the timer and shuts the door.

Its instantly dark and alarmingly quiet. The only light is coming from the bottom of the door. All I can see is our feet, other then that its pitch black in the small room.

I let out a breath I didnt know I was holding and slowly slide down the wall. I can tell the other boy is still standing so I lean my head back against the wall.

Seven minutes... with him.

I know almost nothing about him. Other then hes really weird and creepy. I mean hes cute but hes still creepy. And he draws weird things in class instead of doing his work.

I finally decide to break the silence... "Um... I think there is enough room for you to sit down too..." I trail off as i hear the sound of him sliding down to sit.

Silence... Okay this is ridiculous...

I am not sitting in a dark ass closet with a weird kid whose not gonna talk. I think about leaving but i know Mabel will get mad at me so I stay.

"Do you talk...?" I ask just to get no response... "Cause I've never actually heard you talk..."

I hear a sigh and I feel the puff of hot air since we are so close. Then he answers, "Yes I talk."

Thats it. Thats all hes gonna say? REALLY!? "Well...." I trail off hoping he will say something.... but he doesn't. Ughhh just shoot me now.

"Well you have to talk because I'm not sitting in here in sil-" I was cut off when something was on my lips.


I wanna pull away but I cant... One, he has his hands holding me. Two, this space is too small.

He pulls away and I'm speechless. What the acTUAL FUCK JUST HAPPENED?! "Sorry."

What do I do? How am i supposed to react to this? I dont even know him. What? "Uhhhh... I- ummm..." I cant make a sentence.

Then I hear him chuckle, "Are you okay?" I nod but then I remember that he cant see me. "Y-yea... I'm t-totally fine..." I feel him grab me and pull me to where I'm straddling his lap. Then I feel his hot breathe near my neck, "Good."

He starts to kiss my neck. His hands are gripping my waist tight enough so I cant move much. I grab onto his shoulders as he licks and bites me.

What is happening? This... what?

I'm pulled back out of my thoughts when I feel his hands go under my shirt and his lips come back to my own. He slids his tongue across my lower lip asking for entrance. Of course I dont give it to him but he moves his hand down to my ass and roughly grabs me.

I gasp and he slids his tongue into my mouth. At this point I just give in. I mean... Its not bad.... Its just.... different.

I slowly move my hands from his shoulders to his hair as we continue to kiss. His hands rub the small of my back.

I can hear people laughing and messing around in the other room but its still quiet.

Soon he moves back to my neck. He sucks and bites leaving marks that the others will probably see.

He parts from my neck and whispers in my ear, his hot breath gives me chills... "I think the time is almost up..."

I sigh and kiss the boy one more time before getting off his lap and standing up. Just as I help him up the door opens, shining light into the small roon. Mabel stares at the two of us then busts out laughing.

Im really confused until I look at Bill. His lips are swollen from us kissing. HOLY SHIT. I run up stairs to my bathroom and look in the mirror to see my lips look like his and my neck is covered with marks....


Bill x Dipper {One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now