First Mate

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Pirate AU? 

Pirate AU. I read a fanfic and now I wanna do some kind of pirate thing. Enjoy!

Oh also the video is just perfect... it doesn't really have anything to do with this chapter....


~Dipper POV~

My eyes snap open as I hear a knock on my door. I groan and get up opening it to see a female a few years older then me. "What is it?" I ask tiredly. Her face showed remorse, everyone knows I already don't get a lot of sleep. "The captain wants to see you sir." She stated. I groan but nod and she walks away quickly.

The walk from my room to the captain's quarters is not extremely long. He always does this. He has someone get me in the middle of the night just so he can ask me something or try to make a move on me. I get to the door and I can see the light spilling through the bottom crack of the door. I take a deep breath in and softly knock on the hard wooden door. There is shuffling and then the door opens and I'm pulled in.

"What the hell Ciph-" I'm cut off when I and roughly pressed against the door with my arms above my head. The captain leaned in and whispered into my ear, "I'm sorry Pine Tree... But this is serious." He whines a bit at the end. I scoffed at his statement, "Is it really so important to wake me up...?" He nods and smirks at me. I know that look. He's planning something, "Cipher...." I look up at him expectantly. He chuckles then leans closer to me until our lips are connected. My eyes widen but I soon melt into the kiss. Why does this always happen..? I question myself as he deepens the kiss. 

He lets go of my wrist and his hands find my waist as I wrap my arms around his shoulders. His hands slid down to my thighs and he picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist as he does this. Without braking the kiss he takes me over to his bed and lays down. His hands make their way back to my waist slowly going up my shirt. We part long enough for him to slip my shirt off. I pull my hands away from his almost golden hair to unbutton his shirt. Once it's open my hands slid down his perfect chest then I slip his shirt off his shoulders and throw it somewhere in the room. 

He slowly kisses down my jaw to my neck. I turn my head giving him more access as he leaves multiple marks on my neck, shoulders, and chest. He starts to kiss down my stomach when there is a knock on the door. I tense and he grabs his shirt, throwing it on sloppily not even bothering to button it. He holds a finger up to his lips telling me to be quiet as he cracks the door looking out at the person who interrupted his "fun". The man at the door spoke cautiously, "I'm sorry Captain but your presence is needed immediately." Cipher sighs, "Fine." He closes the door and comes back to me while buttoning his shirt and grabbing his jacket. "I have to go but I'll be back. I promise, this shouldn't take long." He kisses me once more then leaves me. I sigh and make myself comfortable knowing this is gonna take forever.

Bill x Dipper {One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now