Just One Kiss

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Wow an update..? People actually like this so i guess ill keep writing...


•Dippers POV•

It was dark. I don't remember how long I've been out here but I should probably get back now. I looked at my phone only to find its dead. 'Great.' I sigh and start to walk in the direction I think the mystery shack is in.

After walking for what seemed like forever I still haven't found the mystery shack. I groan and sit on a tree stump. I think for a bit then remember I have a portable charger in my bag. I quickly go through my bag until I find it and decide to stay here and charger my phone.

I lean back and close my eyes as I wait for it to charge. I start to drift off when I feel something lightly glid over my leg. I quickly sit up and grab whatever it is. As my eyes open I see I've grabbed the wrist of someone... my eyes trail up the arm until I'm met with a tan face. I sigh and let go, "What do you want Bill?"

He smirks mischievously his fingers lightly dancing over my leg again, "Ah Pinetree...." My head perks up at the name that i haven't heard in years now. I quickly shake my head, once again grabbing his wrist as his hand starts to travel higher. "What do you want?" I ask a bit more insistent. The taller man leans closer to me this time grabbing my leg harshly, "Why don't you tell me what you're doing out here..." his voice gets deeper and more threatening. I swallow the lump in my throat and try to speak but find myself at a loss for words.

He smirks at my feeble attempt at answering, "Awe c'mon Pinetree..." his hand now rests on my upper thigh. I quickly grab his wrist this time unable to push him away but he does stop. The intense eye contact makes me feel dizzy. He starts to get closer to me when i hear my phone go off. He looks down as i quickly sigh in relief. I go to grab my phone but he gets it first. "What do we have here..." he trails off and begins to hum. "You should keep your phone charged Pinetree... You have alot of texts and missed calls." He smirks holding my phone just out of reach. His face comes back to mine as he slips the phone into his back pocket. I freeze looking back at his eye. I try to speak again but can't. I sigh and look down at my hand that is stopping his. He chuckles and grips harder. His other hand grabbing my chin and forcing eye contact once again.

I whimper at the harsh grip on my leg. Tightening my hand around his wrist. He smirks at my pained sounds and loosens his hand. His smug smirk is so annoying. He knows i can't do anything right now. He goes to my ear and whispers, "I just want one thing and then I'll let you go." He pulls back as my eyes widen is fear. 'What could he want from me?' He smirks knowingly and inches closer to me still holding my chin. "Kiss me Pinetree."

At that moment my face felt like it was literally on fire. I finally found my voice though, "W-WHAT!?" He laughs at my reaction then looks back at my burning face, "One kiss and you're free." he states. I just stare at him not knowing how to react. He sighs, clearly annoyed, and quickly presses his lips against mine. I freeze. My face somehow gets even hotter as my eyes widen at the taller mans lips on my own. When he finally pulls away he's smirking. He lets go of my chin but not my leg. Hes still looking at my face. I stare intently at my lap, there is no way im looking at him.

I quickly push his hand away and grab my bag, "You said one kiss and i could leave so bye." I say as i start to walk off in a random direction. I hear him laugh, "Wrong way Pinetree." He point to the opposite direction. I sigh and start to go that way when he speaks again, "You're forgetting something." I turn around and look at him, my face still burning, "WHAT!?" He smirks and hold up my phone. I groan and quickly go to grab it before he moves it out of reach again. "BILL!" He laughs and grabs my waist with his free hand, "I lied...." he trails off. I just look at him waiting for him to finish. He sighs and finishes, "I want one more kiss." He pouts still holding my phone out of reach.

I groan, my frustration evident. I quickly let out a breath and kiss him. I pull away quickly and look at the ground and mumble, "Now can i please have my phone..." He laughs softly holding my phone out to me as he lets go of my waist. As soon as i have all of my things i start to walk back to the mystery shack. My face was still on fire when i got back.

Everyone was relieved to see me but once i was back up in my room Mable knocked on the door. When i let her in she had a huge smile on her face. "What?" I ask, already knowing shes going to ask about my blushing face. To my suprise she just walks over to the window and opens it. I give her a curious look. She just smiles at me until Bill appears beside her. Both of then just smiling at me. My face burns more and i just walk out leaving Mabel and Bill to fangirl together.

Bill x Dipper {One Shots}Where stories live. Discover now