Abandoned Baby Chapter 135

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Abandoned Baby

Chapter 135

The next morning Bless was the first to wake up when she felt shaking next to her.

“Mommy, wake up!” Catherine giggled trying to wake her mommy up from her slumber.

“Baby, go back to sleep. It's still early.” Bless persuaded her daughter trying to go back to sleep.

“Mommy, it's 11:30. Dada has something for you.” The little child told her mom that Drew had a surprise for her.

The young mom sighed wondering why her daughter would be wanting to wake up.

She smiled when she seen her future husband bring breakfast in bed for her.

“Breakfast in bed my love.” Drew presented her with some pancakes with smiley faces, strawberry, sausage, scrambled eggs, and orange juice.

“Oh sweetie. Thank you.” Bless smiled a sleepy smile as she carefully sat up in bed to eat.

“Catherine helped.” Drew chuckled letting his future wife know that their daughter helped with the smiley face on the pancakes with the syrup and she added strawberry to the mix on the side of the pancakes.

“I help dada with the berry and smileys mama.” Catherine was proud that she got to help Drew in the kitchen.

“That was very sweet of you baby. Thank you.” Bless thought it was very thoughtful of their daughter to do that.

“Welcome.” Catherine smiled as her mom kissed her cheek.

“Did you eat anything today sweetheart?” Her mommy asked her.

“Oatmeal and appwe juice.”

“Good. At least you had breakfast this morning.”

“Is Alex up yet?” Bless asked about the baby.

“Just fed him a bottle a while ago and is in the playpen laying down.”

“Thanks babe.” Bless smiled at how sweet Drew was to take care of her, Catherine,and their son this morning.

“It's no problem baby plus I love taking care of you and our kids.”

“I hope you had breakfast this morning sweetie.” Bless hoped Drew was able to have his breakfast as well.

“Don't worry love. I ate too as soon as Catherine had breakfast so the lil' one and I bonded and had a great time making breakfast for you.”

“Okay. Just making sure.” Bless smiled as Drew had Catherine sitting on his lap while watching cartoons together.

“Are you still going to make wedding plans later today?” The Ayr man asked his future wife.

“We could still work on the rest this afternoon as soon as the kids take their afternoon naps.” Bless hoped to get the wedding plans out of the way that way they wouldn't have to worry about it later on.

“That sounds like a good idea.”

“I agree and I wouldn't have to worry about the rest later on.”

“Don't worry baby. We'll figure things out.” Drew told her not to worry so much that she wouldn't get too stressed about it.

“Thanks hon. I really appreciate it.”

After Bless had her breakfast, Drew washed the dishes.

“Dada, can I go to my room and watch cartoons with Cubby?” Catherine asked if it was okay to go to her room with her stuffed puppy.

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