The Origin Story

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Lance stood in front of the oster of flight teams and sighed in relief. Hunk's name was right there under his own and he couldn't be happier. Turning, he pointed at the piece of paper aggressively, smiling wide at Hunk who stood near the back of the crowd behind him. "It's there!" Lance shouted.

"Woo!" Hunk shouted out, pumping his fist in the air. "Whose our tech person?" He shouted over the sounds of other people getting into their groups, talking excitedly. Lance looked back at the paper as Rizavi pushed her way to the front next to Lance. She smiled at him lightly before pulling out a small notebook and jotting down several names. Lance noticed she was writing down Griffin's flight crew list as well as her own. She glance back up at him as she snapped her notebook shut. he never understood why a girl as pretty and nice as Rizavi hung out with Griffin who was just as hotheaded and egotistical as Keith Kogane. Maybe she saw something in him that Lance didn't.

"Ooo. You've got the new girl on your flight crew." Rizavi said, nodding to the paper.

"A new girl?" Lance questioned, glancing at the piece of paper again.

"Yeah, she's supposed to be really smart. While the rest of us have been here and training for a couple of years, this Katie girl just transferred." Lance looked back at the list. Lance McClain. Hunk Garret and...

"Katie Holt." Hunk said as the crowd thinned out around them, everyone moving of to talk and get to know one another. Rizavi waved goodbye to Hunk and Lance who waved barely waved back as they read over their names. Why did that name sound familiar to Lance? He didn't know any Katie's but... Holt... Holt... Holt. Lance snapped his fingers.

"Katie Holt? Like the Holt family that's up at Kerberos right now?" Lance asked Hunk.

"Yup! That Holt family." A girl replied, popping up around Lance and scaring him enough to make him jump. "You can both call me Pidge though. It's what my brother calls me."

"Oh man, this so cool! You're our tech expert! Your family is like, legendary. Have you met Shiro?" Lance said, trying his damndest to act cool even though he was totally freaking out on the inside. He was talking to Sam Holt's daughter. Hoe great was that! And if Kaite or Pidge, whatever, had met Shiro before then that was double cool! Shiro was Lance's hero. He had made some many Garrison records that nobody had every beaten before and in all the time Lance had been going to the Garrison, he had never once met Shiro. Pidge rolls her eyes a little.

"Oh yeah, tons of times. He's lame." She said with a slight smirk.

"What! No he can't be." Lance complained, making Hunk and Pidge laugh.

"I'm kidding. Shiro's pretty cool." Lance smiled happily.



Keith looks over the roster and sighs. He doesn't recognize either of the names under his own. That's the problem you usually have if you don't bother to make friends, or if you only talk to other pilots. Not that Keith remembered most of the pilots names anyway. He only remembered the ones he hated like Griffin and Costello and the ones he liked like Kinkade and.... Who was that dark haired girl that always hangs out with him and Griffin? Keith sighed. He had always been shit at remembering names.

"Excuse me, pardon me. Coming through!" A loud voice said as he  pushed his way to the front of the crowd, arriving next to Keith in front of the paper. Keith glanced at him. It was Lance. He's tall, dark skin, brown curlyish hair and possibly, the cutest guy at the Garrison but Keith wasn't exactly going to admit that out loud, especially seeing as how Lance seemed to hate him for some reason. Keith focused back in on the names and tried not to think about the fact that Lance was standing close enough to him that he could smell his cologne.

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