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Hey... Can we talk?

About what.

I'll be on the roof if you want to come meet me...

Keith rolled his eyes at Lance's cryptic message. They hadn't spoken in two days which was fine because they didn't have that many classes together and Keith always ignored him in chemistry when he talked but now that it was the weekend, Keith was bored out of his mind. He had purposefully declined Aurora's offer to hang out with her and everyone else at the mall tonight because he knew Lance would be there and he didn't want to talk to him. Keith couldn't figure out why he was being so stubborn. It really had been an accident, but Keith resented Lance for liking Aurora and resented Aurora for being the center of Lance's attention. Why couldn't Lance look at him the same way he looked at Aurora?

"What's up with you?" Harlow asked as Keith sighed for the fifth time in a row. "Get into a fight with your boyfriend?" Keith shot up on his bed to half glare at Harlow.

"Lance isn't my boyfriend." Keith had never told him about his sexuality and it kind of scared Keith to do so because what if Harlow didn't want to room with him anymore? Harlow was smirking.

"I never said his name." Keith fumbled for a sarcastic reply but nothing came out. "You do like him though right? That's why you got all pissed at him in Chem?" Keith had forgotten that Harlow was in that class too. He was always so focused on Lance.

"N-no.. Psh.. I..." Keith said, trying to think of something more coherent to say. But Russel was smiling at him so nicely and Keith felt so suffocated that he dropped his head into his hands and said, "How did you know?"

"The way you talk about him like he's the best thing to ever walk this earth." Keith groaned and flopped down onto his back. He hadn't realized he did that.

"He just texted me, wants me to talk to him."

"So go." Russel said. "It won't hurt to talk to him." Keith wrinkled his nose, frowning.

"I don't want to." Keith grumbled.

"Yeah, yeah because you're a stubborn bitch but come on Keith, I doubt you can stay mad at him forever." He had a point there. Keith sat up on his bed.

"You're not weirded out that I like..." Keith paused, not wanting to finish the sentence. Harlow shook his head.

"Naw, my older sister is gay. I know it's not the same thing but, I learned at a pretty young age that it doesn't matter who you love, as long as you love them." Keith blushed red.

"Thanks Russel." Keith said with a smile, grabbing his jacket off his bed and shrugging it on.

"No problem dude, go get your man back." Harlow said, turning back around in his seat. Keith rolled his eyes.

"We're not dating." He said, heading for the door.

"Could've fooled me." The door slid shut behind Keith.


Keith climbed the last stair to the roof and saw that the door was currently being propped open by a piece of wood. Lance stood on the far end of the roof, watching the sunset. His shadow stretched all the way behind him, nearly touching the door. Keith licked his lips and started to walk towards Lance who turned when he felt someone staring at him. Lance sighed in relief upon seeing Keith, hands shoved in pockets of that stupid jacket he always wore. "Hey." Lance said softly as Keith stopped a couple feet from him.

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