When You Are Next To Me

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Aurora 💙
Hey Lance! Want to go to the movies?
That new horror flick has finally reached our dinky little town.

Lancey Lance
Hey! Yeah that would be great!

Aurora 💙
Awesome! I've picked the 7:30 showing.
Invite Pidge and Hunk too. Keith and Parker already said they'd come as well so this should be fun 😊

Lance immediately frowned and felt like throwing his phone across the room. He thought for five heart pounding minutes that Aurora was asking him out, only for him to realize this was a group thing. All week, Lance had been trying to work up the nerve to compose a text to Aurora but he didn't know what to say. Hi seemed to casual. Hello seemed to formal and Heyyyyyy seemed desperate. So in the end, Lance decided to say nothing and hoped that eventually, he would be able to charm Aurora enough in their shared class for her to realize he was flirting with her.

"What's up?" Hunk asked turning around at his desk after hearing Lance scoff. He was glaring at the ceiling, splayed out on his bed.

"Aurora wants to go to the movies." Lance grumbled. Hunk arched an eyebrow.

"And thats a bad thing? I thought you liked her?"

"I do." Lance said, sitting up. "But she told me to invite you and Pidge and that Keith and Parker are going with her too."

"Ahhh." Hunk said, nodding. "So not a date."

"No." Lance groaned, flopping back down. Hunk laughed a little.

"Well if you really want to go and upstage Keith or whatever, I'll go with you. I'm sure Pidge will too. I could distract Keith. She could talk to Parker and you can strike up a conversation with Aurora." Lance smiled and looked over at his best friend.

"You would do that for me?"

"Of course buddy." Hunk said with a smile.

"You're the best Hunk. Let's do this." Lance said, leaning nearly all the way off his bed to give Hunk a high-five. Hunk laughed and wheeled his chair closer before high-fiving Lance. "I will make Aurora mine!" Lance said determinedly.

"Sure buddy, sure."


"You invited who?" Keith demanded, feeling like his heart had just dropped to his stomach.

"Hunk, Lance, and Pidge. You know them right?" Aurora asked as she took her jacket back from Keith's hand and pulled it on up over her shoulders. She didn't think she would need it and so had tied it around her waist but once the nighttime air hit them, Aurora knew she would need to put it on. And that also meant she had to tie her hair back because the wind blowing the dust and dirt around was going to mess it up if she didn't.

"Y-Yeah but I've never hung out with them before." Keith stammered out. Aurora nudged him a little.

"Don't worry loner, you'll be fine. You'll have Parker and I as a buffer!" Keith felt his phone vibrate in his own jacket pocket and pulled it out, the leather crinkling as he did. On the screen was Parker smiling dorkily at Aurora who was sticking her tongue out at him. It was the contact photo his friends insisted he take of them.

"Hey man where are you?" Keith asked. Parker said he would join them outside around five and it was already ten minutes past that. Which meant that Hunk, Pidge and Lance were also late.

"Yeah I think I'm actually going to stay here and do homework for once." Aurora gasped, having heard what Parker said from Keith's end of the phone and grabbed it from him, putting Parker on speaker.

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