Barely escaping the cave

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Calabrass sighed in relief as he felt zak grab him once again. "Kid ya really need to-" "Get out of her! I know " Zak interrupted as he started running while the ice cave began shaking "Use the eye of sino it'll make ya warmer."Calabrass said "You've been out in this cold way to long." Calabrass added "right I'll do that in a second my sword of legend." Me name's calabrass ya landlubber ye should use it sometime." Calabrass replied "Right I'll do it as soon as we get out." Zak replied "Ye better do it now, when ye actually need it besides you're as cold as ice at the moment. "Fine give me the eye of sino." Zak said. He was then covered in ice armor. "Wait zak did you forget the wand?" Calabrass asked " um, I lost it but the cave is collapsing, we have no time." Zak replied doging another falling piece of the cave. "Yar right laddy let's get outta here."Calabrass agreed. Zak managed t get to the opening just in time. Right as he slid an iceberg slid down blocking the entrance."Whew we made it just in time." zak said "chaos ahoy" Calabrass exclaimed "where's the ship. The chas was back there, but now it's over. "Zak said confusedly. "Have you lost your mind?"Calabrass asked "Nope I just hit my head pretty hard when you fell in the snow." Zak replied." "I'm having a hard time remembering things now. "Zak, Zak!" Caramba interrupted. "Oh look the yellow ball thing is waving at me." Zak said "That "yellow ball" is part of your crew, and his name is Caramba." Calabrass said clearly annoyed. "Calm down my Sword Of Legend." Zak said "It's Calabrass ya landlubber" Calabrass pratically yelled. "Fine Cal-a-brass." Zak said rudely while climbing on the ship. "Zak your back, but where your sword carrier, and more importantly the wand you were searching for." Clovis asked zak upon seeing clovis screamed. "AGH it's a Ghost." Then zak screamed again.

Zak Storm and the Hurricane of eventsWhere stories live. Discover now