Didn't you want him dead?

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Zak was lifted up like some light weightless bunny after a hunt. They took him to the sauna, and wrapped him in many of the warmest of blankets. Still he hadn't made a sound even his breathing was soft. After a few weeks of wandering the seven seas Zak still hadn't woken up. Sure he was heating up, and his skin wasn't blue anymore, but bone was growing impatient. "Why isn't he waking up?" Bones asked angrily "Sir we found that storm is in some sort of Coma He's had a few injuries to his head, and he seems to be unresponsive. He might not make it." One of the skeletons named Crendall who had a PHD in Medicare said. When I was a man before I fell into this cursed triangle on an airplane going to help some people in another country. Before I died and resulted in becoming one of your men I worked in a place called a hospital that we helped people who got injured. Never have a seen such a bad head injury, and without time to heal due to being stuck in frozen ice I'm not sure if he'll be able to survive. It's better if we just let him go general. HIs pulse is weak, and faint. "What!" Bones said angrily "We are not going to let him go so easily, he's survived worse, you save his life, or I'll take yours." Bones said Yes general Crendal said running back to the sauna with bones stomping behind him. There was a crowd of skeletons gathered around a pale Zak Storm.Bones parted the groups to get a closer look "At least he's not blue anymore." Bones thought."They were right he wasn't breathing, and some skeleton was trying to give him compressions, but was only succeeding breaking his ribs. Bones pushed them aside. "Incompetent fool you're going to kill the poor child."Bones said "Crendall bring me the shocker, we might be able to shock some spirit into the boy." Bones said "But he's a small child that-" "That was an order" bones demanded "Besides Storm can handle it. He's a teen he's not that small when you think about it."Clash added "Yes sir" Crendall said running to get the piece of equipment. He came back a minute later with the machine. And put it on the lowest setting. They shocked Zak, but it did nothing they tried it a second time, but it only made zak's body jump."Put it on full blast." Bones demanded. "But it might-" "Just do it!" Bones demanded. The last time made Zak scream they turned off and moved the machine. Just in time to hear Zak groan and slowly open his eyes.

Zak Storm and the Hurricane of eventsWhere stories live. Discover now