Feeling Forgotten

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"Unhand me ya Scallywag I belong to-" "Me" Hurricane interrupted "I can't believe you forgot me already. I mean we were such best friends, and here I am with just half my memory, and even I can still remember you."Hurricane said "I've never seen you in my life."Calabrass said. "I know storm must have put a spell on you or something, because one, you don't belong to anyone, you are my friend, but you are your own person, and you would never say that on your own, and two you've completely forgotten about our friendship all either because of my stupid mistake in Sino or Zak made you forget all about me." Hurricane said "Wait you were at Sino, only me an' Zak were at Sino." Calabrass replied. "Yup I positively sure now that Storm did something to you cause it was you, and I that was searching the caves, and he stole you from me."Hurricane said "No it was just me, and Zak and then we got lost, and then you had the nerve to beat him in those caves, and now he's completely loopy in the head."Calabrass explained "Him, loopy puh-lease. He was crazy before, he's now just ten times worse."Hurricane said. "Ten times worse? I'll have you know Capt'n Zak is the finest capt'n in the seven seas." Calabrass argued. "Not so fine now, is he?" Hurricane replied. "An' whose fault is that?" Calabrass asked. "Not mine, I was with you, it's Zak's fault he isn't fine. I mean here he is being a complete airhead, and treating people with utmost disrespect, and It's your fault he get away with it. I had nothing to do with it, except I lost you."Hurricane said Calabrass did't know how to respond. It seemed his enemy knew too much to be lying. SO he decided to test this Hurricane guy."Who are you, and what do you even want with me, are ya turnin' me over to Skullivar?" Calabrass asked. "He wishes, I'm not letting you out of my sight Calabrass." Hurricane said. "Then why do ya want me?" Calabrass asked "Because I lost ya once, and I don't want to do it again by the way to answer your question I am lieutenant Hurricane of Golden Bones army, and he said they found me in a cave in an iceberg frozen, and half-dead. Bones saves my life, and I'm kinda indebted to him. Anyways how it happened I can't remember, but I do know me, and you went searching for a fabled wand of Sino, and then I lost you, and storm ended up with you." Hurricane said opening his cabin door. "Wait! How do you know about the wand? I mean me an' Zak never told anyone about it, so how would you know about our quest?" Calabrass asked now very much confused. "You mean our quest Calabrass, me and you went on that quest looking for that wand that could make anything out of snow. I think in the end it was worth it, but what was not worth it is for you to pretend you don't even know me, like I'm your best friend. It's not cool." Hurricane said "Wait, but the wand, how do ye know about it. How do you even know it was worth it?" Calabrass asked. "Uh because I got it Cal. I found the wand." Hurricane said holding up the wand Calabrass had only seen a months or two ago. "It even makes cute snow animals." Hurricane said waving the wand, and making a snow Wyvern appear. "Isn't it magnificent Cal?" Hurricane asked. "What is it with calling me that? I haven't been called it since the incident." Calabrass asked. "Um because that imbecile Storm thinks you're just a Sword of Legend who thinks you don't have a name. I mean you're not just a sword, you're like my best friend so please just stop acting like you don't even remember me." Hurricane said "Sorry, but I've never seen you in my life, and it's the truth." Calabrass said. "But I still remember you, I mean I woke up in an iceberg with the Wand in my hand, and Chains on my wrist, and I still remember you, we the best duo in the seven seas." Hurricane said "How do you have the powers of the seven seas, it's not possible."Calabrass said trying to understand who the heck this weirdo was. "You gave them to me on the anniversary of me finding you. You told me since we were best friends I would get them. You were there when you put them in me, and it hurt, but you were there comforting me, you and the fish girl. I think, wait...the fish girl, she's so pretty, but nooo she has to be on Storms crew. Sorry I'm blabbering, maybe we should get her to join us?"Hurricane said "I'm sorry, but she would probably not accept also sorry to break it to ya, but that was Zak when that happened "No it was me, please try to remember." Hurricane said sounding desperate "No Cal, you do, please tell me you do? You're my best friend, I really can't lose you like this?" Hurricane practically begged. "I'm sorry laddy, You have been tricked by Bones to take me. Maybe you can take me back, and join my crew." Calabrass suggested "No bones saved my life, besides I'd have to give you back to the jerk Storm, and I could never do that to my friend." Hurricane said. "But were not friends. I've never seen you, and you took me from my best friend." Calabrass said. Hurricane dropped Calabrass in shock, and he thankfully only fell on the bed. "But, I thought we were best friends he said softly. Calabrass's heart went out to this Hurricane."I'm sorry, but I never knew you, I wish I could tell you otherwise, but I'm afraid not." Calabrass said. This only made Hurricane look at him as tear began running down Hurricane's face from under the mask. Hurricane's nightmare of his best friend forgetting him was confirmed to be true. "There there Mr. Hurricane maybe you'll find a better sword." Calabrass tried to say "but it was you, maybe I'm just the one who always gets forgotten." Hurricane said softly before taking off his mask to wipe his tear filled eyes. Calabrass's Eyes grew wide as the puzzling identity of Hurricane fell into place, and suddenly everything made sense.

Zak Storm and the Hurricane of eventsWhere stories live. Discover now