Hurricane's smallest memories

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There in front of Calabrass's eyes Crying for the sake of being forgotten was Captain Conrad Zacharie Storm. Not the one that was an absolute jerk on the Chaos, but the real one that had a soft heart, and a sweet soul. The one that had gone on so many adventures with Calabrass, and always apologized for all his mistakes. The one that lead the Chaos thorough rough seas with courage, and the one who gave hope and saved Marituga several times. "Calabrass didn't know what to say. He had just told his best friend that he didn't even know him, and he felt awful. His best friend was crying because of him. "Um, Zak-I mean Hurricane, You're mask was in the way, of course I know ye."Calabrass said "I know I hate the mask, because of it I don't even know what I look like, but Bones told me Storm Copied my look, but it doesn't make sense to me." Zak said sniffling. "You should leave it off."Calabrass said. " I can't bones will get mad at me if I do."Zak replied with tears streaming down his pure blue eyes. "There, there Hurricane, everything will be okay." Calabrass said soothingly. "I don't know anymore Cal, life has been so hard since bones saved my life. I've been so confused, but I have to trust him, I mean he did save my life. I heard they had to shock life into me to keep me alive. He must care a little bit. I seriously have no one right now, that's why I need you so much Cal."Zak said "If you really want I can take you back, maybe I'm just meant to-" "Stop it, you don't know what you're talking about, I do know you. It was just the mask. I promise I won't leave you to face this on your own." Calabrass said "Really" Zak perked up. "You'll stay?" He added "I will, don't worry you aren't gonna face anything on your own. I will be with ye all the way, just don't tell Storm I said anything."Calabrass added. "As if I want to talk to a blabbermouth like him." Zak laughed his sadness now almost gone."Aye you an me the best cap- I mean Lieutenant of the Seven Seas, the best duo that ever lived." Calabrass said. "You got it pal." Zak replied. "By the way Bones told me if I ever meet you to ask how you came to team up with a stupid jerky nobody like Zak Storm. I mean he is by far the worst person I've met in the triangle." Zak asked. Calabrass had to keep himself from laughing from how ironic that sounded coming from Zak Storm himself. "Well he's a good kid that just needs some learnin'. He has a good heart Hurricane." Calabrass replied with the straightest face he could muster."A heart? That dude said so many mean things, and he doesn't even care to know your name. He's also not that smart when it comes to his plans. I mean that kid has no idea what he is doing, plus he's kinda mean to the Fish girl who by the way deserves someone better, like you do. That's why I took you, and I might do the same for her except not take her by force. I mean she doesn't deserve that, but y'know I might just get her to join me with flowers or something girls like. I want her to be my co-lieutenant."Zak said. "Co-lieutenant? It that even a thing?" Calabrass asked "Maybe, maybe not, but I'll make it a thing cause I like her." Zak said.Calabrass liked this new forgetful Zak, because he must have forgotten to keep his thoughts on a certain fish princess a secret. Sometimes he'd tell Calabrass what he thought, but Zak was being so open because he forgot things it was fun to see him so into his first mate. "So you like Cece?"Calabrass asked "Yeah I do, she's so awesome/ Wait! Her name is Cece? I thought is was something like Chrysta Coraline do I even know that? I feel like some things are coming back to me. I mean I know the Names of the Seven seas, well both of them. Like the eyes, and what Storms crew was called. Maybe I've fought with them so much I know who they are."Zak said "Calabrass I need help. How do I know these things?" Zak asked. Calabrass thought about telling him everything, but that would put him in danger so he just said."You are right, You've battled them so much. Don't worry. I think you need some rest. You'll be fine in the morning no need to stress out that brain of yours." Calabrass said."Alright Cal, Goodnight, thanks for not forgetting me." Zak said, and with those last words he fell asleep.

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