Fear is too Overrated

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"HURRICANE!" Bones yelled to wake up the sleeping hurricane."Wha- Huh?" Zak responded still half asleep. "WHAT HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT THE MASK?" Bones said angrily. "The mask? I don't know what you're talking about. Dude it's like 4 in the morning can't this wait. I can't sleep with a stupid mask on. It's too cramped, and I can't breathe in there." Zak said "Give the boy a break ya old bones, me boy isn't going to do anything for you if you're like that to him." Calabrass interrupted."Fine you don't have to wear the mask to sleep, but you do Have to wear it every time we're facing another enemy."Bones said. "I'm a Lieutenant, General Golden Bones. I can make responsible decisions without you telling me." Zak replied "Very well Lieutenant, I'll still keep my eye on you." Bones said. "Well I have two on me already so, um yeah I can keep track of myself." Zak replied. "I know you can boy-" "okay, okay, okay first please don't call me boy. It makes me feel small, and it's what we call the idiotic king of his own little world C-rad. So yeah call me um..HC y'know cause I feel Hurricane would be so long to say so HC would be perfect."Zak said "I'm sorry I don't do nicknames Hurricane." Bones said. "Well bonesy hate to break it to ya, but ya gonna have to get used to it. It's like the new thing."Zak said. "Well I'm not with the new thing so just get up boy, we have much to do today." Bones said. "Like what?" Zak asked. "Today you get to meet Skullivar the most feared being in the triangle." Bones replied. "Really Skully. I feel like I've met him before, or heard of him, but I don't really know where. He doesn't seem that scary if ya ask me. I mean you're not even that scary even if you are the most feared blade in the triangle. Actually I think being feared is a-bit too overrated. I mean even clowns can be scary then A skeleton made out of gold bones. I mean if you came to where I used to live they probably wouldn't run away from you but rather take you to like a bank or something. I mean you're pure gold, in other words I'd say you are the most or close to the most expensive thing in the triangle. I mean in all seriousness you aren't that fearful...um no offense." Zak said "What Conrad Za-er I mean Hurricane we should not try to say anything that anyone could take offense to it's not-" "Sheesh Bonesy take a chill pill, it's just my opinion no need to get offended. I mean I said no offense anyways. So maybe you just need a chill pill." Zak replied Bones just gave Zak a dirty look, but Zak shrugged his shoulders. "We're supposed to work together anyways so you might as well try to get along with this new forgetful me." Zak added."Fine" Bones said "Okay now we have that taken care of, let's meets this Skully guy. I mean for the record his name is pretty cool." Zak said

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