Chapter 3

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It was the second day back at Malory Tower and everyone was now settled down and classes were going to start.

In the North Tower 5th form common room, girls were rushing around getting dressed for classes and making their beds. Annabeth Chase was one of those girls. She had made her bed right after she woke up, just like she'd do at Camp half Blood every day. She put on her school uniform and she had to admit that, as much as she hated wearing skirts or blouses, she liked her uniform. A white blouse with collars trimmed in orange. An orange tie and an orange plaid skirt and an orange belt around her waist. The colors reminded her of camp and she was happy with it.

Besides, the winter uniform was grey as she had heard and that was her favourite color, only second to sea green.

She tied her hair back in its ussual messy pony tail without taking care like the other girls but this wasn't to be passed through lightly between the girls.
Bonnie aproached her and said. "You should maybe put up your hair a bit neater or else Miss James will make you go out of class to fix it up."

Annabeth huffed and sat down at the end of her bed as she pulled her hair out of its rushed ponytail.

Just as she was about to re do it, Bonnie said, "Here let me."

She took an orange ribbon and tied Annabeth's hair in a neat high ponytail so that her golden ringlets fell over her right shoulder.

"Thanks," Annabeth said looking at herself in the mirror. Bonnie looked over Annabeth's shoulder and said. "There, much better."

They all went down to breakfast. Looking at all the tables for the different forms and towers, Annabeth was suddenly reminded of the Camp mess hall and its many tables belonging to diferrent cabins.

But instead of eating outside in the open aired pavillion, this was inside a great big hall.

She made her way with the others down to their table and took a seat next to Pam and Felicity. Everyone was chatting with each other and sharing news as they ate. Pam and Felicity tried talking to Annabeth to which she answered with short answer responses.

The fifth former's first lesson today was Maths. As soon as they entered the class everyone started to slide into the seats they want. Annabeth sat next to the window in the back row. Just as she was about to put her satchel down, June said, "Sorry old girl, but new girls have to wait till everyone else pick their seats."

Annabeth glared at June before getting up none too happily and waited for everyone else to choose their seats.

In the end the only desks available were at the front row. With a scowl Annabeth chose a window seat at the front row with an empty seat on her other side. Just as she sat down and put down her belongings on her desk, their teacher, Miss James entered the room.

At once the girls got to their feet. Unaware of the fact that she was supposed to, Annabeth was a bit late in getting up.

"Good morning, girls." Miss James said with a smile.

Everyone chorused a 'Good Morning' back at her.

As everyone sat back down on their seats, Miss James started handing out their new maths textbooks.

"Alright class." She said, walking back up to the front of the desk. "To start off the day, I'll be giving you a small quiz just to see your standards. Don't worry if you find them difficult for they are meant for much higher levels than yours. When you have done as much as you can, please bring it up to the front desk."

Miss James handed out a three sheets of paper stapled together to everyone. The class was silent as they pondered on the answers for the questions. Five minutes later, while everyone else was still in their fifth question or so, Annabeth Chase was on her second page. Ten minutes passed on in silence until Annabeth got up from her chair and walked up to Miss James.

"Do you have a question, Annabeth?" Miss James asked, not expecting her to have finished.

"I'm done." Annabeth said simply causing some heads to turn her way in surprise.

"Really?" Miss James asked taking her paper. "So soon? Have you double checked it?"

Annabeth nodded.

Miss James took out a red pen and started marking her work. After she was done, she stared at it in shock.

"Hundred percent." She replied with a smile, happy to have found such an excellent student. "And that was collage age work you were dealing with."


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