Chapter 4

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During the next few days the girls at Malory Towers got to see Annabeth's marvelous intelligence. She excelled at every class easily even though she had ADHD and dyslexia. She would dosh before anyone else and sit and read a book on architecture written in another language. She hardly talked or laughed along with the others when they were sitting in the common room but instead sat starting out the window or looking at the strange coin in her hand longingly.

One such evening in the common room, as June was talking about try outs for tennis, Annabeth sat on a sofa with her legs folded underneath her, looking through what appeared to be a photo album.

Felicity seeing her, came over and sat beside her. "May I see?" She asked politely.

Annabeth shrugged and passed it over to her. Felicity looked through the pictures there. There were lots of different people, but ones that appeared in most of the photos were a girl with choppy brown hair with tiny braids down the sides, a blonde guy, a curly and black haired girl with golden eyes, a guy that looked like a sumo wrestler, a Latino santa's elf and a black haired, sea green eyed guy.

The boy with the sea green eyes would be there in every photo that had Annabeth in it. They'd be holding hands, wrapped in each other's arms, laughing, smiling and happy. Sometimes though angry. One picture showed Annabeth chasing after the guy who was laughing and holding a New York Yankees hat out of her reach.

Felicity pointed at the guy and asked, "Who's that?"

"That's my boyfriend. Percy Jackson." Annabeth replied nonchalantly which caused a few heads in the common room to look towards her.

"You have a boyfriend?" June asked her. "Already?"

"Yes I do. Do you have a problem with that?" Annabeth asked, sitting up straighter.

"No." Felicity rushed. "Just that...don't you think you're a bit too young?"

"I'm seventeen." Annabeth said.

"That's not that old, you know." Freddie said.

"Well," Annabeth said, taking her album from Felicity's grasp. "I've been through much more than you could ever imagine, okay? Way more than you could achieve in a lifetime." She stormed out of the room though Felicity could swear that she heard her mutter something like, "Stupid mortals."

"What is wrong with her?" Amy wondered aloud.

"Amy," Felicity said. "Nothing's wrong with her, alright? She just needs to get used to our ways a bit more."


Later that day, when everyone went back to their dormitory expecting to find Annabeth there, they only found a row of empty beds.

From the bathroom though, they could hear voices. One was Annabeth's but the other, none of them could recognise.

The girls heard Annabeth laugh and say goodbye before the door opened revealing an overly happy Annabeth holding a small pouch that looked as if it was filled with coins. But the strangest thing was that no one else came out of the bathroom, yet the girls swore that they heard someone else in there.

The fifth formers went about their usual bedtime schedule, pretending as if nothing unusual had happened and they thought that Annabeth was buying it.

Then when they were all in bed, Pam went to turn the lights off.

"Goodnight everyone." She said as the room went dark and the only light was from the moon shining through the windows.

Though, not even thirty minutes went by when the whole dormitory was woken up by a scream. A scream coming from Annabeth's bed.

Felicity rushed to turn the light back on again before joining the others crowded around Annabeth's bed.

Annabeth Chase at Malory Towers [ON HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now