Chapter 9

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"Sheesh. Big room." Travis whistled as he took in the dorm.

"That would be because they have to fit a lot of people in here." Katie said with a role of her eye.

"Oh." Connor muttered.

"Guess which bed is Annabeth's." Thalia said.

"Oh gee, I wonder." Piper said sarcastically. "Maybe it's that bed over there with the flowery sheets and the make up kits."

" did you all meet exactly?" June asked.

"At this camp for troubled kids." Percy answered.

"Hey!" Travis protested. "I'm not a troubled kid."

"Sure bro." Leo said. "And I'm Zeus."

Jason frowned. "That's seriously disturbing."

"Yep." Hazel agreed. "Siriusly disturbing."

Annabeth grinned at her. "I knew getting you to read Harry Potter wasn't a waste of time!" She glared at Percy pointedly.

"Hey! I tried!" He protested.

"I even read it to you but you didn't hear a thing." Annabeth said but you could tell that she wasn't really mad.

"Yeah. That's because I was too busy staring at your eyes." Percy said cheekily. "You know, they sparkle way more than usual when you read. And they turn into the most beautiful shade of grey."

"Shut up, Seaweed Brain." She said with a smile.

Freddie gagged from the back.

Connor smirked at her in understanding.

"So!" Frank interrupted. Hazel elbowed him. "We gonna move on from our tour."

"You guys go ahead." Annabeth said, stringing her fingers through Percy's. "You can get to know Susan, Pam, June and Freddie better. We'll catch up."

"See ya love birds." Leo called back to them as they walked away.

Annabeth laughed. "Bye Leo."

Percy sighed and looked at her as if in a trance. "I missed you." He muttered.

"Me too Seaweed Brain." She said kissing him on the cheek. "I missed you too."

"How are you getting along here?" He asked.

Annabeth sat down on her bed, pulling Percy down beside her.

"It's a good break from all the monsters but I really miss camp." She said.

"And me?"

Annabeth laughed. "Especially you."

He grinned at her, his smile leaning more towards the left than to the right.

He pulled her close and she leaned her head on his shoulder. And they stayed there for a while, just enjoying each other's presence.

* * *

"Right, so you guys play pranks around here?" Travis asked.

"Oh yes." June said with a smirk.

"Really?" Connor asked lighting up at the idea.

"What?" Freddie exclaimed. "You think that because this is an English Girls Boarding School, we don't play tricks on our teachers?"

"So have you done the classical spider in the handbag yet?" Leo demanded.

"Yep." June answered.

"Whipped cream on the bed?" Travis questioned like it was the most important thing in the world.

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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