Chapter 5

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As usual, when they woke up, the fifth formers went through their morning schedule. Combing their hair, brushing their teeth, washing their face. Only two girls were still asleep on the beds, curled up underneath the blanket. One was Nora, who would usually stay asleep till June threatens to pour cold water over her. And this morning was no different to any others.

Though the other sleeper was Annabeth. She was smiling slightly into her dream as if she was finally having a better one.

"Get up, old girl!" Pam said walking over to Nora's bed and yanking the covers off. Nora groaned. "Ugh! Let me get some sleep will you?"

"Oh, look!" June cried. "A spider! How about we just accidentally drop it on you Nora?"

There was no spider in reality, however, but Nora needn't know that. She sat up straight and ran to the bathroom to get changed.

The girls turned to Annabeth. "How should we wake her up?"

Felicity walked over and gently shook Annabeth. "Annabeth, wake up."

Surprisingly, Annabeth sat up straight. She looked around as if she couldn't remember where she was. Then she saw who was around her bed and groaned.

She got out of bed and took a coin from her bedside cabinet before walking to the bathroom to get changed.

"Hi, is this dormitory number 7?" A voice asked behind them, making the girls jump around. Standing on the threshold was a girl in black jeans and a death to barbie shirt with black, uneven hair. She had chain neckleses around her neck and a silver bracelet on her wrist as well as what appeared to be a tiara on her head.

"Yes it is." Pam said, smiling. "Are you new here?"

"Yeah. My name is Thalia." She said walking in and dumping her bags on the empty bed next to Annabeth.

She saw a framed photo on Annabeth's drawers and picked it up to look at it, a smile growing on her face.

"I don't think you should nose around in others businesses." Amy said.

Thalia ignored her and answered with a question of her own.

"Does a girl named Annabeth sleep here, by any chance?"

"Yes, she does. She-" Felicity said but was interrupted.

"Thals?" Annabeth said from behind, an actual smile that reached her eyes, plastered on to her face.

"Annie!" Thalia ran and gave the other girl a hug.

"I missed you so much, Thalia!" Annabeth screamed.

"I missed you to, Owl Head!" Thalia screamed just as loudly.

When they pulled away, Thalia said, "You know, Seaweed Brain really misses you. We had to lock him in his cabin and send him to Sally to make sure he doesn't run off to here."

Annabeth laughed. "What's up at camp?"

"Oh, nothing much really. You know, just the occasional Capture the Flag, sword fighting, archery, quests...uh, I shouldn't be talking about this here should I?"

"No you shouldn't. And you should probably get changed." Annabeth said.

Thalia looked at Annabeth as if she hadn't noticed her clothing attire before. She was silent for a while but then burst out laughing much to the fifth formers' confusion.

"Annie's in a skirt! You're actually wearing a skirt!" Thalia stammered through her laughs. "Oh my gods! Kelpy would-"

Annabeth interrupted saying, "Yes Thalia. Kelpy would absolutely love to the all mighty Pinecorn face in a plaid skirt."

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