Chapter 6

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"How did that-" Susan stammered.

Thalia stood up and snapped her fingers. "It's just a normal rose. Nothing special."

The girls looked dazed as the mist went into action.

"Yeah, just a rose." Felicity agreed.

Annabeth shot Thalia a grateful look and mouthed a thanks.

Thalia smiled back at her. "I think it would be better if we go back to our dorm now. I am a bit tired." She said to which the girls agreed, still thinking that Annabeth was only holding a rose.

When they got back to their dormitory, Annabeth slipped in the watery rose into the empty vase conveniently sitting on her bedside cabinet.

"Annabeth, you have to be careful." Thalia chided her, her older sisterly self shining through. Then she added, "No matter how sweet that was."

"Yeah, yeah but-" Annabeth was interrupted by Amy walking into the room with a fresh scowl on her lips. She glared in Annabeth's direction and walked off towards her bed. Then her eyes suddenly locked on the watery, opaque rose and gave a small gasp.

"What- How-"

"Just a rose, Amy." Bonnie said.

"That is not a rose!" Amy exclaimed indignantly. "That's water!"

"Don't be ridiculous, Amy." Delia said.

"Amy, it's a rose." Thalia agreed snapping her fingers in front of her eyes.

Amy looked dazed for a second but then she shook her head and raised an eyebrow at Thalia.

"What was that snapping of the fingers supposed to do?" Ahe asked skeptically before looking over at the vase once again. "That is not a rose. It's not red. There is no green. It is water. I don't know how you do it but I for one am going to find out."

She left the dormitory leaving behind some worried girls. Annabeth and Thalia were worried about the Mist not working on her while Bonnie, Felicity and the others were quite worried about Amy's health and was siriusly (A/N  intended mistake :)) considering about sending her to Matron.


The next day, as it was Saturday, the girls were busy doing whatever they wanted. Some were catching up on homework, some were taking a swim, some- more significantly people like Amy- were dressing themselves up in whatever they chose to wear and because it was Saturday, the girls were allowed to wear what they wanted. Currently, Amy, having fogotten about yesterday's odeal already was sitting in front of the mirror combing her golden hair while gossiping with her best friend Bonnie. Meanwhile June, Freddie, Felicity and Susan were outside playing Tennis. Julie and Lucy were of course, horse riding and Gillian and Delia were in one of the music rooms putting their musical talents to test.

Annabeth and Thalia, meanwhile were just relaxing on the lawn, a short distance away from Felicity and her friends playing tennis. Annabeth was in her usual shorts and her orange camp shirt (which Amy had pointedly frowned upon).

Thalia was wearing a black shirt saying 'Boys? Who'll need them in life?' on the front and ripped skinny jeans. She had on her charm bracelet, chain neclesses and her silver band around her forehead.

The girls had been quite startled by her appearance in the morning but having been on the receiving end of Thalia's death glare, they had smiled nervously and had continued on with whatever they had been doing.

"Hey! You two!" June shouted at the two girls from where she was. "You wanna plag with us?"

"Why not?" Thalia said with a shrug, jogging over with Annabeth following behind her, groaning on about how boring it was here.

"Here." Felicity said, handing over her racket to Annabeth just as susan gave her own to Thalia.

Felicity smirked. "Let's see you against June and Freddie."

"Let's see." Annabeth repeated in a bored voice.

Just as the two got ready, a ring tone that unmistakably belonged to Annabeth's phone started ringing. 

"Hold on a sec." She told to an agitated June.

She pressed the answer button and held it to her ear.

"Hey Percy." She said.

Thalia smirked. June callapsed onto the ground with a groan.

"Hey!" A voice from the other end said. "How'd you know it was me?"

"I dunno-" Annabeth started but Thalia butted in. "She has a sixth sense about you! Just like you having a sixth sense about her. You know, with the whole I-took-a-knife-for-my-percy-boo thing."

Annabeth glared at Thalia who only smirked mischievously and pressed the speaker button.

"Thals!" Percy shouted. "Hey, Pinecorn Face."

"Hey, Kelphead."

"Acorn head."

"Little deformed nut!"

"Not cool, Thalia. Not cool."

"Dam." Thalia said randomly causing Percy to burst out laughing.

Annabeth looked at Thalia and her phone weirdly. "When are you gonna tell me about this so called inside joke?"

"Neverrrr!" Sang Percy and Thalia together.

"Alright," Annabeth laughed. "Why did you call me?"

"Oh, you know." Percy said nonchalantly. "I missed hearing your beautiful voice."

Freddie raised an eyebrow and shared a look with June.

Annabeth laughed at the phone.

"So what's my Wise Girl doing? Reading?" Percy asked.

"Nah, I'm-"


Thalia smirked.

"Shut up." Annabeth said amusedly. "I'm playing Tennis with Felicity, Susan, June and Freddie."

"Tennis?" Percy scoffed. "Don't they do anything fun there? Should I call the Emergency Travis And Connor Hotline?"

"Whipped cream on my bed? No thank you." Annabeth said.

June's eyes lit up as if Annabeth had just given her an amazing idea. She exchanged looks with Freddie who smirked evilly. Felicity and Susan eyed them worriedly, not at all liking this.

"Hey!" Percy exclaimed. "You should prank the teachers!"

Again, June and Freddie grinned at each other.

Annabeth looked at them suspiciously but she was smiling.

"Good idea Perce-" She trailed off, her eyes suddenly drifting towards Mrs Potts walking across the court yard close by. "Uh...Percy? I'll call you later. Love you."

"Love you too Wise Girl." Percy shouted just before Annabeth hit the end call button and shoved the phone in her pocket right when Mrs Potts looked over.

She wasn't scared of mortal teachers of course. She just wasn't in the mood for writting down a hundred lines. I must not phone people. I must not phone people.

She looked at June and Freddie and smirked. "You two like the pranksters of the school or something?"

"Was." June said glumly. "We can't prank anyone since we're in the sixth form and are supposed to set an example and stuff."

"Oh, come on!" Thalia urged. "A little fun couldn't hurt."

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