Chapter 2

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"Isn't it simply marvelous to think that we'd be going back to Malory Towers again?" Susan said to her friend Felicity as they got into the car along with Felicity's mother and father who were to be driving them to Malory Towers.

"Yes it is." Felicity replied. "And to think that next year we'd be in sixth form. How wonderful would that be?"

"But to think that we would have to leave it after next year..." Susan said.

"Now, now, Susan." Felicity chidded. "Don't you think about that. Remember, we are going to make sure that not a minute of our time is to go to waste."

"Yes, of course." Susan said with a smile. "I say, I can't wait to see all the rest."

Felicity couldn't either.

She couldn't wait to see bold and fun loving June who was also Games Captain, June's mischievous bestfriend Freddie, the good natured Pam and her scatter brained friend Nora. Then there was Julie and Lucy who were both horse crazy, fancy Amy and Bonnie who was good with needle work. Then the two girls that joined them last term, Gillian and Delia. Gillian was a great tennis player and an amazing violinist while Delia, Gillian's friend, was amazingly good at singing.

"I say, Felicity." Susan said to Felicity, knocking her out of her train of thoughts. "I hear that there will be two new girls. One named Annabeth I think. The other, I'm not so sure."

"Two new girls. How marvellous." Felicity exclaimed.

"Indeed." Susan agreed. "I wonder what they'd be like."

The girls chattered on and a few hours later, they arrived at Malory Towers.


Annabeth had gotten there really early and was now sprawled on her bed in her new dormitory. Her Daedalus laptop which the Gods had brought back from Tartatus was infront of her. Notes and architectural drawings were spread out all around her. On her bed side cabinet she had placed a framed photo of her family and herself and another of herself, Percy, Thalia, Piper, Jason, Leo, Calypso, Frank and Hazel. Inside her drawer was her dagger, her New York Yankees invisibility cap, a photo album from her times at camp, an anti spider spray and a pouch full of drachmas for Iris Massages.

She was trying to design a temple for Apollo (with all the requested statues) but so far she wasn't getting anything done.

So she got up and headed to the bathroom with a drachma to IM camp.

A few moments later, a crowd of girls poured into rhe now deserted dormitory.

They all chose a bed and put their belogings up.

"My goodness." Bonnie exclaimed looking at a certain bed with drawing and notes everywhere and a laptop sitting atop all that. "Who does this bed belong to?"

"It's so messy." Amy agreed, scrunching up her nose. "What is this anyway? I've nevee seen a computer like it before."

Ammy sat down at the edge of the bed and touched the screen of the computer.

"Uh, Amy. I don't think that it's a good idea to do-" Felicity started.

Just at that moment, the bathroom door swung open and out walked a girl with blonde hair tied back in a pony tail and firce grey eyes. She had a huge smile on her face which dissapeared as soon as she saw Amy.

"Hey!" Annabeth exclaimed as she stormed upto her bed and snatched the laptop away from Amy and put it her drawer.

She gathered up all her notes and drawings and put those away as well.

The she looked up at the girls who werw now crowded around her.

"Hi." Felicity said. "I am Felicity Rivers. Nice to meet you." She extended a hand to Annabeth which she in turn shook rather hesitanyly. Felicity was quite surprised at her firm grip.

"Annabeth Chase." Annabeth replied cautiously.

One by one everyone introduced themselves.

"Welcome to Malory Towers." The girl that introduced herself as Pam said. She was the head of the form.

Annabeth smiled a fake smile that would've fooled anyone but her friends.

"Thankyou." She said sweetly but again, sje didn't mean it. All she wanted was to be back at camp enjoying the winter and the Christmas like they ussually do with Christmas trees and an exquisitely decorated big house and of course the mistletoe hung by the Aphrodite cabin. Here Christmas had gone by now in the holidays.

( A/N sorry if that was wrong I'm not really sure about the seasons in those areas.)

The girls standing around her bed scattered and went to their own little discissions.

Annabeth sighed. "Gods of Olympus." She muttered under her breath.

While the others cleaned upbtheir surroundings she lay on her back on the bed thinking, until the bell rang for beeakfast.

Her first day here and she was already hating it. To her it seemed like rhe place was full of too formal girls unlike herself. She was a fighter. A demigod. A daughter of Athena. If this stupid school thought it could change her to a polite and innocent girl, they was wrong.

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