Chapter 9

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Someone come and,

someone come and save my life

Maybe I'll sleep when I am dead

But now it's like the night is taking sides

With all the worries that occupy the back of my mind

Could it be this misery will suffice?

Sleeping Sickness- City and Colour

Life use to be so boring, and horrible for me. I use to spend my time inside, and I barely even walked outside. I didn't do anything productive, I didn't even get out of bed. Life was so horrible for me that I could barely do anything. I could barely even get out of bed to go eat, or do anything that someone needs to do in their day. I would just sit there, and stare at the ceiling, and cringe at every living thought, memory, anything eating me alive that would come to my mind. It was horrible and unhealthy for me, and the bad thing was, I wasn't even a teenager when all of this started. My dad would be the only person to be able to get me out of my bed. He was the one who started my life, and he showed me new things, and almost everything. My brother did help with all of this, but my dad was really the big change within me.

When I first started acting, I was around eight. My dad had taken me to several talent agencies but none of them would take me. That was when we went to the place where Lacy was, and she saw me on camera, and ordered for my dad and I to come into her office. She told me and my dad that I had potential, and then she had me sing, and I remember her face being amazed. She was stuttering, and was highly convinced that I hadn't just sung, but I did. Then she had me start acting, and she said I was amazing at it. For being an eight year old, I was actually really surprised. Lacy had me take several acting classes, and that is where I learned how to do improv, stunts, and a lot more stuff, including how to audition.

Lacy saw how good I was doing, and then told my dad that I was a bit overweight (I was fatter than a freaking walrus) and told him I needed to do sports. She also explained how it would look good on my background when I auditioned for shows, or movies. That is when I got signed up to do soccer, tennis, basketball, volleyball, and softball. My dad talked the evil bitch in my life to get me back in gymnastics and dancing (She took me out of them). These all have surprisingly been very helpful in my life, but that didn't stop me from dreading them when I was younger. I hated them, and hated any type of exercise. It was hard for me, and I hated them with a passion. My dad would pull me out of bed, and take me to these nonstop sports. We all found out that I sucked at softball, but was amazing at any other sport. It was shocking, but it made me lose all my fat.

Soccer was a little challenging for me, and I hated how it took up almost all of my saturday. It became fun after a while, and I kept getting better and better at it. My coach made me be goalie for a while, which is one reason why I am not afraid of a ball anymore, but still severely am. He said I was good at blocking things, and it hit me after awhile it was because I was fat. Ha... After I had lost a bunch of weight, I was light on my feet, and became one of the best players on my team.

Basketball and Tennis were my favorites to play. I could play them amazingly, and it was awesome. My basketball coach was surprised because I was so short when I was little, but could get the ball in the basket on the first try. It was easy, and now I can play basketball to escape. When I started Tennis, I had to play a bunch of games, but it became fun when the coach would let us hit the balls anywhere, which included her. Let's just say she could be a bitch sometimes. I learned all the skills for Tennis, and I learned I was pretty good at it.

Volleyball potentially sucked to me. I could barely move fast enough to get the ball, but after I lost weight, I learned that I was really good at it. It helped me get my anger out, and I often could get my team a point under just a few hits with the ball. When I was around eleven, Carrol joined my volleyball team. We both had this undesired feelings towards it, but still loved it. She moved close to me, and we ended up going to the same schools. I didn't really like her at first, more like hated her, but that changed when she bribed me with Cherry Coke to come over to my house. We hit it off by playing video games, and watching youtube. It was legit. We did amazing on the team from our team work, and pretty much won a lot of championships.

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