Chapter 1 - Obnoxious

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A/N: I don't usually do author's notes at the beginning of a chapter but this is a sort of continuation of my Banginho story called Voices, so if you haven't already read that, you may want to read that first so you have more of an idea of what's happening in the first few chapters. But if you don't want to do that, by all means, carry on reading.


It was an average day for Seungmin. Aside from all the Chan and Minho drama, there wasn't much interesting happening to him at the moment. He wasn't complaining though. He liked it like that, when there's no drama pushing you forward so fast you want to scream "stop the world, I want to get off!" It was these calm, quiet days that he liked. Days where he could just breathe in the scent of the coffee and work in peace. He thought.

As if on cue, Chan walked in. Chan wasn't the issue, rather it was his unusually loud friend that had seemed to have already developed the uncanny ability to get under Seungmin's skin. The boy was exactly the type that he hated: hyper, seemingly obnoxious, and - as Seungmin was about to find out - annoyingly flirty. Still, Seungmin tried to remain professional. He was at work after all.

"Hey," Chan's friend said, giving Seungmin a lopsided grin, "Could I get a latte and... maybe your number?"
Seungmin rolled his eyes in disgust.
"You're going to dislocate your eyeballs one of these days," Chan laughed, "Don't mind him, he's like this with everyone."
Seungmin let out a quiet giggle. "I don't care if he's like that with everyone, as long as he's not like that with me."
"Ooh, you're feisty. I like it," Chan's friend winked at him, and Seungmin found himself realising that the boy would be quite attractive... if it wasn't for his personality, of course. Perfect hair, beautiful brown eyes, and... his lips...
But Seungmin stopped himself before his thoughts wondered any further.
What am I thinking?
The two boys left with their drinks, and Seungmin concluded that the Chan's friend, was nothing more than a annoyingly flirtatious twat. There was no better description, in his opinion.

A matter of minutes later, Minho walked in, a sad look in his eye appearing when he saw Chan and his friend sat together at a table. Seungmin knew what he was thinking; he could read Minho like a book. "Talk to him," he said, indicating to Chan, "That's what he's here for."
"But who's he?" Minho asked, obviously referring to Chan's friend.
"I don't know," Seungmin replied, "But he seems to be the flirty type, so I doubt they're together."
He thought back to their earlier encounter. God, Seungmin hated boys like him. Boys that are confident, flirty, and way too eager to impress.

Unfortunately, Seungmin didn't get much of a break from the boy before he returned, lopsided grin still present on his face. Seungmin couldn't help but roll his eyes, and he could hear Chan and Minho giggling from their table. He glared at the two boys, but they seemed to be so focused on each other that they didn't see his death stare.
"So," The boy started, "I'm Hyunjin. And you are..."
"Busy," Seungmin replied coldly, "I am at work, you know."
He wondered if maybe he was too harsh saying that, but he needed Hyunjin to know that he doesn't like people hitting on him.
"That's not fair," Hyunjin whined, "I'll have to wait until your shift ends now."
He pouted, which Seungmin thought was quite cute. Wait what? No, that's not what I meant.

Needless to say, Seungmin was dreading the end of his shift, knowing that Hyunjin would be waiting.
"I didn't catch your name," Hyunjin said.
"Because I didn't tell you," Seungmin replied. He hoped Hyunjin would get the hint, but obviously not.
"Don't be like that," Hyunjin pouted, "Listen, I'm sorry if I'm weirding you out. Just please talk to me."
"I said Seungmin. My name is Seungmin."
"Well, Seungmin, I guess I'll see you around," Hyunjin smiled before skipping off in another direction. Seungmin breathed a sigh of relief. Free at last.


A/N: We're not a nameless fandom anymore! "Stay" will take a bit of getting used to but I love it already

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