Chapter 6 - Stargazer Lilies

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The cut on Hyunjin's face wasn't as deep as it looked, so it didn't take very long for Seungmin to clean it. Even so, Hyunjin's heart was racing at the proximity. Seungmin was so close, and Hyunjin found himself staring. His eyes traced over Seungmin's black hair, his chocolate brown eyes, his pretty pink lips, probably focusing on the last feature perhaps just a little too long. They were little more than three inches away from each other and Hyunjin was so tempted to plant a kiss on those lips, but held back, purely and simply because he wasn't sure if Seungmin was helping him because he liked him, or just for the sake of being kind.

"So which are your favourite flowers?" Hyunjin asked, desperate to start some kind of conversation.
"It depends," Seungmin replied, "I like purple carnations. They make me think of you, for some reason. Probably because they symbolise capriciousness... you're quite unpredictable, you are. I wouldn't say they're my favourite though."
"Which are your favourite then?"
"I don't know... you might find this funny, but roses. Burgundy roses, specifically. They're so beautiful... I need to show you some one day. Undying love and unconscious beauty... two things I wish I had."
He giggled, before resuming what he was previously saying.
"I love roses in general though. The yellow ones, where the tips of the petals are red are beautiful, and really represent their meaning well. The yellow, meaning friendship, slowly changing to red- you probably know what red roses mean- it shows the gradual process of falling in love- sorry, I'm babbling."
He laughed again, slightly nervously, as if he was ashamed of talking too much.
"Don't worry about it," Hyunjin told him, "Carry on, I don't mind."
So he did. He continued to talk, describing violets, daisies, daffodils and roses, and Hyunjin did nothing to stop him. Seungmin looked so content when he talked about flowers, and Hyunjin finally felt like he was really getting to know Seungmin. The real Seungmin. Beneath all the small talk and the shy exterior. And he liked this Seungmin. If anything, it made him fall for the boy even more. Seungmin was already beautiful, and his love for those flowers made him even more so. It was like he held all the beauty of all the flowers he talked about.

"Right," Seungmin mumbled, "That's it."
He moved away from Hyunjin's face, and the older boy started to regret not taking the chance to kiss him when he had it.

Seungmin moved further away still, and Hyunjin tore his gaze away from the younger boy for a moment to notice the flowers in the pots on the windowsill, one kind in particular standing out to him. They were striped pink, probably lilies, Hyunjin guessed. At least that's what they looked like.
"What are those ones?" He asked, eager to continue his conversation with Seungmin.
"Which ones?"
"The pink striped ones. Lilies?"
Seungmin giggled.
"They're beautiful, aren't they?" He said, to which Hyunjin nodded, "Yes, they're lilies. Stargazer lilies. Ambition and encouragement... my brother, Jeongin, he thinks they just look strange, but I think they're such mesmerising flowers, and-"
Before Seungmin could continue, Hyunjin's lips met his for a short, but sweet kiss. The other pulled away slowly, almost hesitantly, and Seungmin stood flustered, blush creeping up his cheeks.
"Sorry," Hyunjin said, "I should be leaving."

He was out the door before Seungmin could say another word.

Hyunjin left Seungmin's house, and began trying to navigate his own way home. He wasn't sure whether he regretted it or not. He had kissed Seungmin. What that would do to whatever kind of friendship (was it friendship? Hyunjin wasn't sure) they had, he didn't know. He would just have to wait to find out.

Little did he know, Seungmin was still stood in that exact spot, blushing at the mere thought of what happened moments ago, nothing but confusion running through his mind. He liked Hyunjin, but he couldn't possibly give up on the admirer that left him flowers every day. Every day except today, Seungmin thought. Maybe this admirer had forgotten him. But what would he tell Hyunjin? The truth that he was so torn between two people that he couldn't possibly choose one over the other? No. But he couldn't lie to him. That would make things so much worse.


A/N: I apologise for how slow Seungmin is

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