Chapter 4 - Tulips and Blue Lilacs

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It was possibly the worst day Seungmin had ever had. The whole week had been unpleasant, but his younger brother Jeongin's new (and annoying) tendency to wake him up before five in the morning was the worst. How exactly was Seungmin supposed to get a decent amount of sleep when there was a twelve year old screaming for him to wake up at little past four in the morning? Needless to say, he was rather agitated when he arrived at work Saturday morning, and no amount of those bloody flowers were going to make him feel better.

Tulips. Yellow and pink tulips.

One of each colour were lying on the counter in front of him, along with another card, similar to the ones that came with all the flowers before. Despite not particularly being in the mood for flowers and sappy messages at that moment, he felt strangely compelled to turn over the card and read it.

Yellow and pink tulips,
because you deserve to be happy, and always smile, - H.H.

It was almost as if whoever was giving him these flowers had known exactly how he was feeling all week. And, by the look of it, also knew what these colours meant. Yellow tulips, the flowers that represent cheerful thoughts, and pink tulips, that symbolise happiness. Whoever this was obviously knew him, and knew flowers, pretty well. And despite being adamant that no amount of flowers could cheer him up, he couldn't help but smile. After all, there were very few people who would be prepared to go to that extent to make him feel better.

Not long later, Hyunjin arrived. Seungmin couldn't really decide anymore whether he liked the other boy or not. At first, he seemed annoying coquettish and obnoxious, but as Seungmin got to know him, he wasn't all too bad. He still threw in the odd flirtatious comment here and there, but he wasn't as annoying as Seungmin had originally thought.


Seungmin continued to find similar flowers throughout the week. Not all had notes with them, but when they did, the words he read were as sweet as the scent of the flowers he would receive, mixed with the lingering scent of coffee in the atmosphere. He was always left smiling, even if in the beginning he was sure nothing could improve his mood.

The words appeared to become sweeter, but never too sickly, never the kind of sweet that leaves an unusual aftertaste and discourages one from wanting more.


Lilacs. Seungmin loved lilacs. There was something so mesmerising about them, and that was the kind of thing he loved. When one could get lost in the sight and scent of flowers for hours on end and feel like little time has passed, and he loved lilacs for that very reason. They were just beautiful.

Two blue lilacs were lying on the surface, placed over another card, Seungmin's name again written on the visible side. He took the flowers, admiring them closely before laying them down on the side again and picking the card up to read the message on the other side. This message was longer than the ones he'd received before.

Blue lilacs,
because I can't imagine anyone not loving your smile the way I do. The moment I saw you smiling was the moment I fell for you, and I'd give anything to see that smile every day of my life, - H.H.

It was cheesy, it really was, but Seungmin couldn't help but smile at the words in front of him, letting a small giggle escape his lips as he read them. He'd have been lying if he said that these flowers and messages didn't brighten his day. In fact, he'd have been lying if he said he still didn't have any interest in who this person was. This admirer of his had seemed to become more confident with their words over time, spilling their thoughts and feelings out on the the paper so truthfully. It was almost like they had completely given up on holding back what they felt, and Seungmin was beginning to fall for their honesty. It was rare for Seungmin to fall for someone so easily, but he felt a connection with them, a connection made stronger by the meanings of the flowers they left for him every morning. He wanted to know who this was, because he wanted to be close to them.

Seungmin would be fool to say he was in love, but the idea of it didn't scare him as much as it used to anymore.


A/N: This is getting cheesier and cringier by the second I'm so sorry I didn't mean for it to be like this but I guess that's what happens when I listen to Ed Sheeran while I write

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