Chapter 9 - Violets

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Maybe he thought about it.

Maybe Hyunjin thought about giving him flowers again.

They were getting closer again, taking the time to become real friends, instead of jumping to conclusions about each other like they did in the beginning. Hyunjin couldn't admit to being the admirer; he was too worried of how Seungmin would take it, but he thought about leaving flowers again.

And that he did. No notes this time, no cards or messages. Just flowers.

He would leave them in the same place as he did before, and Seungmin would find them. He wasn't exactly sure who this was, if it was the same admirer as before, or if it was someone new. He didn't mind either way, the flowers made him smile.


On a particular day, Seungmin had received a small bouquet of violets. Again, left by who he assumed was the same admirer from before. This had been going on for weeks- months, even- with various flowers being left for him. His impatience was starting to get the better of him; he just wanted to know who this was. However, he had run out of ideas. He had asked all his close friends, or at least, the ones that he thought would know, including Minho. Who else could he ask?


If there was anyone left who might know, it was Hyunjin.

It's unlikely, but it's worth a try, right?

When Hyunjin arrived, Seungmin put the violets on the counter in from of him.
"Are they from-" Hyunjin started, but Seungmin interrupted him.
"I don't actually know," he said, "That's why I wanted to talk to you."
Hyunjin looked surprised, and somehow nervous, as he ran his hand through his hair.
"I was wondering if you would know anything about who it is."
"Oh," Hyunjin sighed, almost relieved, "Well... I'm a useless person to ask, really... I don't know."
"Fuck," Seungmin swore. He very rarely cursed at all, and Hyunjin was taken aback by his sudden outburst.
"Why are you asking? Last I heard, you didn't really care for them that much."
Seungmin took a deep breath, "It's a long story,"
"I've got time,"
"But I haven't," Seungmin replied, "Listen, I'll tell you another day. But now, I've got to work."
"I'll walk you home," Hyunjin said, smiling, "You can tell me then."
He winked and left, leaving a slightly flustered Seungmin at the counter.


Seungmin assumed that Hyunjin would wait for him outside, and went to collect his things before leaving.
"Hey," A voice called from behind him, making him jump. He turned to see Hyunjin leaning against the doorframe, looking effortlessly gorgeous in the same white hoodie he was wearing earlier.
"God, Hyunjin, you scared me!"
Hyunjin laughed in response, and Seungmin got his revenge by giving the older boy a light punch on his arm.
"Never do that again," Seungmin said, starting to join in the giggling as well.
"Are you read to go?" Hyunjin asked, and Seungmin nodded.
They left the building, taking the same route through the park as Seungmin did the evening that Hyunjin had got into that fight, weeks ago.
"So," Hyunjin started, "What's this "long story" you were on about?"
"Okay," Seungmin started to explain, "I wasn't interested at first, but I saw the notes they were writing, and... I liked how honest they were. They weren't afraid of being truthful, and that's exactly what I like in people, so... I guess you could say... I..."
Seungmin trailed off, half because they had reached his house, and half because he wanted to avoid any further discussion of the subject as best he could. He unlocked the door to see his mother.
"Thank goodness you back, honey," She said, "I was worrying,"
"Mum," Seungmin whined, rolling his eyes, "I'm only half an hour late."
"That's half a hour too late for your mother to deal with," She turned and smiled at Hyunjin, "Who's this?"
"This is Hyunjin," Seungmin replied, "He's a friend of Chan's. You know, Chan, right? Minho's boyfriend?"
"Oh, I see."
"I should be getting back home," Hyunjin said.
"Are you sure, love? It's very late," Seungmin's mum replied, "You're welcome to stay. It does get a bit dangerous around here at this time."
"You don't want to get into a fight again," Seungmin giggled.
"You got into a fight? I don't think you should walk home now if you get into fights."
"I guess it wouldn't hurt," Hyunjin said.


A/N: All of a sudden I can't write well... this is the second to last chapter though

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