Chapter 2 - Question

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Seungmin was a fool to think that was the last he'd see of Hyunjin. The boy returned frequently, always with Chan a few paces behind. And, as always, he brought his irritatingly coquettish behaviour with him. This continued for a week, until he returned one day, skipping over to the counter where Seungmin was as usual, Chan following not far behind. The two ordered their coffee, and Seungmin's eyes were following Chan as he went to sit with Minho.
"Good to see those two are friends again," the voice made Seungmin jump. He had forgotten Hyunjin was still there. Seungmin hummed in response.
"They don't look like they just want to be friends though," Hyunjin said. Seungmin, yet again, only hummed in response, nodding slightly.
"Listen, Seungmin..." Hyunjin started, "I'm sorry about last week. I wasn't thinking straight. I should've know you weren't comfortable."
Seungmin thought for a second about forgiving him, but then he thought of something. Something only Hyunjin could help him with.
"I'll accept your apology," he said, "If you tell Chan to confess."
"I've done that. Trust me, it doesn't work. He just says "tomorrow," and never actually does it."
"He will," Seungmin said, "Tomorrow. 10 o' clock. Make sure he can't refuse."
"I'm not talking unless you do it. Now let me get on with my work."

That's exactly what Hyunjin did. He waited until just minutes before he was planning on leaving with Chan to tell him.
"Tomorrow," Chan said.
That was a lie. Hyunjin knew that was a lie. Chan always said that.
"No. Not tomorrow," he smirked, "You're going to the coffee shop, and you're telling him now."
This resulted in him practically pushing Chan through the door of the coffee shop, before skipping ahead of Chan towards where Seungmin and Minho were. Seungmin groaned in annoyance, pushing Hyunjin away as he snaked his arm over Seungmin's shoulders. Hyunjin pouted and gave him puppy dog eyes, but Seungmin wasn't having any of it, glaring at him as a sign that he should think twice before touching him next time. Hyunjin backed away slightly, before turning to Minho. "Chan has something he wants to tell you," he said, winking at Minho before dragging Seungmin away somewhere else.
"And now we wait," Hyunjin winked at Seungmin as he spoke, causing the other to scoff at his action.

It didn't take long. In fact, it was a matter of minutes before Chan simply just went ahead and kissed Minho. Neither of the boys watching expected Chan to be that brave, but they weren't complaining. Their plan had worked, and despite how much Seungmin was adamant he hated Hyunjin, he had to admit he wasn't entirely useless. They smiled at each other. Hyunjin had never seen Seungmin's smile before, but if he didn't already think Seungmin was beautiful, he definitely did now. The younger boy had a smile so bright it could replace the sun, and if Hyunjin didn't know any better he would think that he was starting to like the boy in front of him. The boy with the quiet voice, and the smile to rival the sun itself. The boy who probably- no, definitely- hated him. But Hyunjin didn't care about that. He was blinded by Seungmin, and for a moment, the younger boy's hatred for him was forgotten, pushed to the back of his mind as his words formed a question, one he would probably regret later.
"Seungmin, I..." Hyunjin started, avoiding eye contact as he spoke, "I was wondering if you... if you would go on a date with me."
Seungmin's eyes widened at the question. He wasn't entirely sure how to respond. Yes, he disliked Hyunjin, that much was clear. But he can't possibly say that to his face. He didn't quite dislike him that much.
"Sorry," he mumbled in reply, "But... no."
Hyunjin was waiting for that answer.
"But what if I bought you flowers?" Hyunjin suggested, hoping that would encourage him. False hope, as he soon realised.
"I hate to tell you, but coffee and flowers don't mix," Seungmin smirked, knowing that there was nothing Hyunjin could say to convince him, and Hyunjin wanted to kiss the smirk right off his face right there and then. Because, he knew Seungmin was lying. All thanks to something he had heard from Chan about a certain secret of Seungmin's that Minho had told him.

"Seungmin?" Chan said, "Minho said he loves flowers, you know. Roses, lilacs, lilies, especially white ones. Oh- and carnations. He loves carnations. He has a lot of flowers at home, from what Minho told me. Oh- but don't tell him I told you that."

He was going to make Seungmin fall for him. He just needed flowers.


A/N: I thought the whole flower thing was cute and this was the only way I could incorporate that into the story so sorry if it's badly written!

My Pace is the bop of the century and no one can change my mind (Question too though) I am WHO outsold

That and SF9 - Now or Never. Listen to the whole Sensuous album and I promise you will want to stan if you don't already

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