Chapter 10 - Burgundy Rose

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"So... what were you saying earlier?" Hyunjin asked.
The two boys were on the double bed in the spare bedroom in Seungmin's house, Seungmin sprawling along the width of the bed, with Hyunjin sitting on the edge.
"I don't know, what was I saying earlier?"
"When you were talking about the admirer, saying that you liked their honesty."
"Oh. That."
"Yeah. What were you saying?"
"I was trying to say that... I guess... I fell for them, you know? I didn't know who they were- I still don't- that's why I want to know. To tell them how much they brighten my day, and that- well- I kind of like them."
Those words sparked some sort of hope in Hyunjin, but he was still worried about him finding out the truth.
"What if you found out who it was and you didn't like them like that?"
"I'd give myself a chance to get to know them," Seungmin replied, "To see if I really don't."
Hyunjin breathed a shallow sigh of relief, one quiet enough for Seungmin not to hear it. It was late at night, and Hyunjin wasn't sure if what he was about to say was brave or stupid.
"What if I told you I have an idea of who it might be?"
Seungmin's eyes widened, and Hyunjin thought it was cute how he resembled a puppy when he was surprised.
"Really? Who?"
"Promise we'll still be friends after this, okay?"
"Wait- why would you say that?" Seungmin asked, confused, "Unless... oh my god- it's you?"
Hyunjin nodded slowly, looking down at the floor.
"So I was worrying for nothing..." Seungmin said, before bursting into a fit of laughter.
"You were worrying? About what?"
"It's a long story."
"Seungmin, we have all night. Literally. You can't get out of telling these stories."
"Okay," Seungmin said, calming down from his giggling, "When you kissed me, I spent ages worrying about who to choose: you or the admirer. Turns out you're both the same person. I'm so stupid."
It was Hyunjin's turn to be surprised. He looked over at Seungmin, wide-eyed, as the younger boy started to laugh again, this time at the shocked look on Hyunjin's face.
"So, you're telling me... you liked me all along?"
"Yeah, I guess. That's exactly what I'm saying."
"So..." Hyunjin started, crawling on top of Seungmin, faces just inches away from each other, "You won't mind if I do this?"
He leaned in close to Seungmin, lips just a matter of millimetres away from each other.
"I wouldn't mind at all," Seungmin giggled at their proximity. And at that moment, Hyunjin pressed his lips to Seungmin's, much like their first kiss, but sweeter and longer. Seungmin kissed him back this time, reaching a hand up to run through Hyunjin's hair. They broke apart for air, and Hyunjin moved to lie down next to Seungmin.
"So how about that date?" Hyunjin asked, smiling.
"It depends," Seungmin replied, and giggled when Hyunjin's face fell, "Just don't take me skating and we'll be fine."

They woke up tangled amongst each other, lying widthways across the bed, (which wasn't what they originally intended to do, they just fell asleep before they moved) Hyunjin's arms wrapped around Seungmin. Hyunjin had decided he had to leave not long after they woke, "before Chan and Woojin throw a fit at me for not coming home last night and Changbin decides he can start stealing my stuff," leaving Seungmin with a kiss and a bright smile on his face.

Truthfully, Chan and Woojin knew exactly where he had been (and teased him for it,) and he knew that if Changbin took any of his stuff, Felix would give him hell until he gave it back. What he was really doing was looking for something in particular, something he knew Seungmin liked. Hyunjin wanted to surprise him with his favourite flower- a burgundy rose.

He stood outside the coffee shop, rose in hand, waiting for Seungmin to arrive. The younger boy was right about the flower being beautiful. It was perfect; the petals, and the burgundy colour that covered them, was perfect. A few minutes later, as Seungmin was walking over to Hyunjin, he handed him the rose and smiled.
"Will you... be my boyfriend?" He asked nervously, to which Seungmin giggled at his shyness, reaching up to give Hyunjin a small peck on the cheek before wrapping his arms around his waist. Hyunjin then planted a kiss on his forehead, pulling him in closer.
"Of course."

That was the moment when Hyunjin  realised coffee and flowers do go together. Maybe a little too well.



A/N: Hope you liked that! I've got a ot9 stray kids idea that I'm writing at the moment that's quite different from what I usually write, like it focuses more on the plot that the ships, so expect that soon, maybe? Until then, you could follow my Instagram I guess? My ig username is maaaaatryoshka if you want to follow

[Jk I'm writing an extra chapter because people wanted it]

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