BONUS - Chapter 11

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Seungmin and Hyunjin had been dating for little under a month, but it felt like longer. They were just so comfortable with each other- Seungmin often liked to bury his face in Hyunjin's neck, and Hyunjin always laughed when he did so. "That tickles," the older boy would mumble, "You're so cute."
Hyunjin had got into the habit of saying things like that sometimes, complimenting him unexpectedly. Seungmin liked that, despite the fact that it would make him blush profusely and bury his face into the other boy's neck in the hope that he wouldn't notice. Their relationship was like that. Comfortable.

"So... how long have you and Seungmin been together?" Chan took a sip of his coffee, looking at Hyunjin from across the table.
"I think... nearly a month?" Hyunjin replied, although it came out more like a question, "It'll be a month this Friday. It feels like forever though."
Minho suddenly jumped excitedly, wide smile on his face, latching onto Chan's arm.
"What're you going to do for him?" Minho asked, almost shouting.
"Calm down, baby," Chan turned to Minho, "He's only over there, he'll hear us."
Minho nodded, still smiling, while Hyunjin looked at them, confused.
"What do you mean?"
Minho sighed, "What are you going to do for Seungmin on Friday?" He elaborated, "You know, it being a month and all."
He had never thought about that. There was a pause before Hyunjin spoke again.
"What did you two do?" He asked, hoping to get some kind of idea from it. Minho and Chan looked at each other, smiling, before lacing their fingers together, showing off the matching bracelets both of them were wearing.
"I've never taken mine off," Minho said.
"Really?" Chan's eyes widened.
"What? Have you?
"Channie!" Minho whined, "You promised!"
"It was only once, I'm sorry," Chan said, "Never again."
He gave Minho a small peck on his forehead, and then his lips, silencing him.
"You two are disgusting," Hyunjin groaned, referring to the couple's display of affection.
"Not like you and Seungmin are much better," Minho retaliated, before pulling Chan back in for a longer kiss, probably a little too intimate for in public. Hyunjin groaned again, rolling his eyes.


He waited for Seungmin to finish work, greeting him with a kiss on his forehead. He also walked Seungmin home, as he always did, but the thought lingered in the back of his mind the whole time. What do I get for him? He kept thinking. After accompanying his boyfriend home safely, Hyunjin started to think of what he could do. Then he had an idea. Perfect.


Hyunjin owed Chan for this. He was going to have to work his ass off to pay him back, but it was worth it for Seungmin. He stood at the park waiting for Seungmin to arrive, his nerves causing his palms to start sweating and his heartbeat to quicken. What he'd got wasn't much, but it was enough to show Seungmin he cared. Surely... it should be. He managed to calm his breathing down as Seungmin arrived, embracing the younger boy and kissing his forehead lightly.
"Seungmin, close your eyes for a second," he said, and the other boy did what he was told. Hyunjin pulled something from his pocket. It was a necklace, with a silver chain and a flower as the charm. The flower was also silver, with a small rose coloured gemstone in the centre. He positioned it round his boyfriend's neck, before telling him to open his eyes again.
"Oh my god," Seungmin breathed, looking down at the necklace in awe, "Its beautiful. I was just going to take you out for ice cream, but that feels stupid now."
Hyunjin giggled, "No, love, it's not stupid," he said, "Anything is special with you. This," he pointed to Seungmin's necklace, "This is not just for our one month, but for all the months we'll ever have together."
"That's cheesy."
"I know, but you love it really."
The two boys burst out laughing.
"I do," Seungmin said.
"So," Hyunjin started, "Are we still getting ice cream?"
Seungmin rolled his eyes, "Of course."



A/N: This took way too long to finish that I was hoping, considering how short it was, sorry!! Anyway, I've got another story on the way (it's called Shapeshifter, and it's mainly Changlix/Banginho), but it might take a while because I just started college oof

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