Chapter 3 - White Lily

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It was weeks later that Seungmin started to find flowers in odd places. Monday, when he turned up at the coffee shop for work, he found a single white lily lying on the counter, placed specifically so that the name on the card underneath it was just visible.


The name was handwritten, the writer obviously had spent time making sure it was written perfectly. He picked up the flower, along with the card reading his name, and realised that whoever had left the beautiful lily had also written something on the back of the card. This was also written by hand, in a similar fashion to his name in the alternate side, the cursive writing making him wonder who on earth would care that much to be so precise with their handwriting. Every letter, every word was formed perfectly.

White lily,
because I know how much you love them, - H.H.

Seungmin didn't know how long he spent staring at the words in front of him. Who is this? he thought, And how do they know this? Seungmin loved flowers, that was true, and white lilies were some of his favourites, but that was all a well-kept secret of his that, as far as he knew, only his closest friends knew about. Unless someone had said something. Minho. "That idiot..." Seungmin muttered under his breath. Someone had quite a bit of explaining to do.

Needless to say, Seungmin wasn't particularly happy at Minho when he turned up just minutes later. "The flowers," he hissed, and Minho was rather taken aback by his sudden coldness, "You told someone about my flowers."
"Only Chan," Minho said, "I swear. And I told him not to tell anyone else."
"Then who did this?" Seungmin asked, picking up the flower and holding it in front of him.
"That's a-"
"White lily."
"I know. But how do they know they're one-"
"One of my favourites."
"Can you stop interrupting me?!" Minho said, "Chan swore he wouldn't tell anyone. I trust him. He wouldn't do it."

Hyunjin arrived later that day, and immediately walked over to Seungmin, but before he could open his mouth to speak, Seungmin stopped him.
"Don't even try," he said, "I'm not in the mood for your antics right now."
"Why? What happened?" Hyunjin asked.
"I don't have to tell you," Seungmin replied coldly, "Do you even care anyway?"
"Yes, I do."
Seungmin was taken aback by his answer, to say the least. He never expected Hyunjin to care, not with the flirtatious attitude he always seemed to carry with him.
"Now tell me what happened," Hyunjin said softly, calmly, luring Seungmin in with his voice. The younger boy couldn't understand why the other seemed to become so attractive all of a sudden. Not that Hyunjin wasn't attractive already. He gave in to Hyunjin, showing him the lily that he had found earlier that morning, along with the note. Of course, this meant he had to tell him about his flowers, to which the latter simply replied with a hum. That's strange, Seungmin thought, Didn't I tell him weeks ago that I didn't like them? He shook off the thought that Hyunjin may have already knew. After all, it just wasn't possible. Minho had told Chan, but only Chan, and Chan hadn't told anyone... had he?

"He wouldn't do it."

"Sounds like you have an admirer," Hyunjin said.
"I don't want an admirer."
"Well, you have one now, make the most of it," Hyunjin told him, "Aren't you wondering who it is?"
"Not particularly," Seungmin replied, "I mean, it could be anyone, and I doubt it's someone I'll like."
"What makes you think that likable people won't like you?"
"Nothing. What I meant was I'm just not interested in anyone in particular at the moment, that's all."
"You never know, this admirer of yours might be the person of your dreams."
He then proceeded to walk away from Seungmin, sending a wink his way in the process. That left Seungmin to think. It left him to think about who this "admirer" really was, and how they knew he loved white lilies. It couldn't be his friends, not one of them possessed the initials "H.H." as written on the card. Neither did he know of anyone with those initials.


Hyunjin wasn't sure whether he regretted it or not.

"I doubt it's someone I like."

Was Seungmin referring to him? It was no secret that he seemed to take a disliking to the Hyunjin from the beginning. But no, he can't have worked it out. It was too early on. Besides, Seungmin didn't even know his last name.


A/N: I have no choice but to make Seungmin a bit slow in this fic otherwise he'll work it out in minutes

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