⌜ one ⌟

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donghyuck placed the fried eggs down at the table and went back to the sink to wash the dishes

love, can you call chan?

mark was about to sit down ❝i'm late. how about you call him?

can't you see i'm washing the dishes? do you want to wash them instead?❞ donghyuck clicked his tongue

nope.❞ mark took a toast and went out of the kitchen ❝love, i'm going.

donghyuck abandoned the dishes on the sink and went to mark who was wearing his shoes at the living room.

you're getting skinnier.❞ donghyuck frowned.

mark just nodded, not caring what donghyuck said ❝and you're getting fatter.

wow. i'm here worrying about your health and there you are, telling me that i'm getting fat.❞ it wasn't donghyuck's fault that he just stays at home, eat, sleep, then pick up chan at school.

i was telling the truth, what are you getting mad about?❞ the older furrowed his brows

just go. god i hate seeing you everyday.

same feeling.

mark went out and left donghyuck at the living room, sadness taking over his face. they weren't like this in the past, in the past when they weren't married yet. mark was caring and over protective about donghyuck and donghyuck really loved mark and treasured him. now it's different.

mark doesn't care about donghyuck anymore and donghyuck doesn't love mark anymore.

if it wasn't for their child, chan, then they would have been going in separate ways by now.

papa why are you sad?❞ chan stood there by the stairs, looking at his papa while rubbing his eyes

donghyuck faked a smile ❝it's nothing baby.

but the baby didn't believe it. ❝are you and daddy fighting again?

the word again. so that means chan knows that they fought once or twice, or even more in the past.

no, come down here and eat your breakfast.❞ donghyuck didn't want the child to know about his hatred for mark.

the baby went down the stairs, frowning. ❝i heard the both of you shouting last night.

we just have some problems that's all, no big deal.❞ no big deal? that problem is ruining their family.


chan i want you to eat your breakfast and stop asking questions ok?❞ donghyuck said as he continued washing the dishes.

the baby was afraid when he knew donghyuck was mad at him. donghyuck realized the baby being silent and so he went to him and cupped his cheeks.

he smiled ❝i'm sorry.

i hope you and daddy would be ok again.

but sadly, they won't.


how's the meeting yesterday?❞ a coworker asked mark.

mark replied with a scoff.

jeno leaned towards the older's table, his smile disappearing ❝did you two fight again?

don't we always fight?

his friend shrugged ❝you two weren't like that in the past.

in the past.❞ he emphasized the word past. ❝it's different now.

i never thought of you two fighting like this. you two loved each other, to the point that you would die for him. remember that one time—

yeah where i got hospitalized because i pushed donghyuck away from the road and it was me who got hit instead?❞ mark leaned back from his chair ❝i am now regretting i did that.

don't say that.

you are lucky since renjun is understanding and jaemin never gets mad.❞ mark thought that jeno would never understand him

but we fight once in a while.

you mean once in every blue moon?❞ mark was envious of the three's relationship. of course one of them gets jealous when they aren't included in some things the other two will do but they don't fight. they just talked the problem out, and they end up cuddling in their room.

if only donghyuck and him are like that. but it would be very impossible when everything mark sees in donghyuck are all mistakes and everything mark does make donghyuck mad.

i want to end things with him.❞ mark suddenly said

mark sighed as he removed the watch donghyuck bought for his birthday.

making jeno widen his eyes. he didn't know mark would just easily give up. just like that. ❝those 6 years of being married—

i wasn't happy in those years.❞ mark said, ❝all we do is fight, and it only got worse now that chan is here.

jeno furrowed his brows.

would things change if i married koeun instead of donghyuck?

honestly, jeno doesn't know. all he knows is that koeun is now married to somebody and are now a happy family.

i wish i could go back to the day where we never met.

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