"Something is up!"

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Pam and Dick saw each other everyday. They made jokes, smiled at each other, and tried to connect.

Robin walked up to her cell. "Hey, Pam."

"Shhhh. Someone will hear you, Grayson." She whispered, then smirked.

"Well, I had an idea this morning." Now Dick was smirking.

Pam giggled. "And what would that be?" There was a twinkle in his eyes.

"I believe we can find that jewel, save you, and get it back where it belongs! We could be the good guys together!" Pam's face changed. She backed away from the bars and crossed her arms.

"Save me? I never said I needed to be saved."

Dick immediately wanted to take it back. "No, no, no! I mean we can help you! We can get it and help you!"

"Yeah, I wish."

"But we can!"

"No. No we can't." She said sternly. This put their joyful mood to a stop. Dick wanted to help her and he thought he could. He didn't mean to offend her. "You don't understand."

"Stop saying that to me, God! I wish people would stop saying that! I would understand if you let me! If you make me understand!"

"No it's not that Grayson. It's just... you wouldn't want to get into all this trouble. You're young and shouldn't be doing this for me."

While they were talking, Dr.Quinn was walking passed the hallway. The clicking of her heels stopped when she saw the two talking together. Then, she headed straight to The Professor's office. This time he was smoking a cigar.

"Something is up!" She told him.

He put down his cigar. "What are you talking about?"

"I just saw Poison Ivy and Robin while I was in the hall. Something is going on between them."

"And how would you know that?" He questioned her.

"Robin has been coming here everyday. To see her. I think he knows some secrets..."

"Interesting..." He sat back in his chair, thinking. "She doesn't trust us, but she trusts him."

"What do you suggest we do?"

"We need to get answers from him."

"Interrogate him?"

The Professor nodded.

Dr.Quinn walked up to Poison Ivy's cell.

"The Professor wants you in my lab." She said to Robin.

"Not me?" Ivy said nervously.

"No sweetie, this one has to be him." Robin and Poison Ivy looked at each other, and Robin reluctantly went with Dr.Quinn.

Robin sat on a lab bed.

"Tell me what you know." She said fiercely. Robin stared at her, nervous and confused.

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