"Give me one."

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Dr.Quinn was pulling Poison Ivy to the lab bed. She was trying to see if this had worked so far, and would drug her to make sure.

"I am not going to do this!" Ivy shouted. She hated being drugged, it just proved that she wasn't normal. Or okay. That she had to be fixed somehow and something wasn't right with her. "You can't just give me a shot!"

"I have my reasons."

"Why?! Stop! No!" She continued to scream and kick her legs. Now Dr.Quinn was considering knocking her out and just drugging her that way. She was being such a pain.

"Hey!" A familiar voice shouted. It was Robin. Ivy stared. She wanted to know why he was here. Sure, he had saved her from being drugged, but he shouldn't be here. And why now?

"Robin. Shouldn't you be saving someone right now?" Quinn suggested.

"Actually Batman's good right now. I came to see Poison Ivy. But it looks like she's unavailable at the moment."

"I was just giving her a shot." She smiled. Ivy looked to Robin with desperation in her eyes. She did not want to take that shot. Robin saw this and honestly, thought she was fine without it. He had a plan.

"Give me one."

"Uh, I'm not so sure that's a good idea."

"Well if I can't have one, she doesn't need one. Right?"

"Poison Ivy is sick."

"She seemed fine to me." He shrugged. He wanted to give Dr.Quinn a run for her money. And he was.

She hesitated. "Fine." Then, Quinn shot Robin where his skin was exposed on his neck. Poison Ivy couldn't believe it. Oh, what trouble he would get into. "How do you feel?" The doctor's tone was no longer annoyed, it was sweet. But in a way that seemed fake.

"Uh.... fine. Just do me a favor, no shots for Ivy today, okay?" Dr.Quinn stood still for a second, then shook her head yes. Ivy was surprised by this new nickname. Well, it wasn't really a nickname, just something different.

After all that was done, Ivy got locked up in her cell again. Robin stood on the other side.

"Thanks.... I really hate shots." Her head was down and she was sitting on the bench.

"I understand that. I never liked them either."

"Then why did you do that?" She blurted out.

"I... I don't know. I just did. I guess I wanted you to feel comfortable after talking with you, and a shot is not the way to do that." She stayed silent, looking at him. "You know, there isn't anything wrong with you. You are just different. I know it sounds like something you hear a lot, but it's true."

"I don't know if I should trust you... but I think I might." She looked nervous at him. She also fidgeted with her shirt. He just looked at her, half smiling. Then he started to grin and chuckle to himself. "What?"

"Nothing, it's nothing. It's just that, I like that your deciding to trust someone. I know it's hard for you." She nodded. In that moment, she felt something that she had never felt before. Her heart started to race, and for the first time, she was feeling something real. She wasn't faking it, or being weird because she was drugged. She was just being a person. They didn't say anything to each other, they just stood there. Glancing at the person on the other side of the iron bars. One thing was for sure, something had shifted between them.

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