⌜ three ⌟

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i wish i could go back to the day where we never met.

if only i could go back and start over again.


mark woke up, feeling his world turning around. he held his head and sat up on his bed. he opened one eye and then the other, waiting for his vision to be clear.

donghyuck?❞ he mumbled

it was weird, he could remember sleeping at the sofa last night. how did he end up on the bed?

his vision was soon clear and he could see his shared room with donghyuck change. small room, a bathroom in the corner and with the closet on the other corner. he furrowed his brows, this isn't his room. this isn't the room he and donghyuck shared. although, he does find the room familiar.

where is he?

his hand then went to the table beside the bed but there was none, making him look everywhere for his phone. in the end, it was just under the pillow but it wasn't his phone. the phone was different from what he had.

is it your first time seeing a phone?❞ jeno giggled as he was leaning by the door

mark's eyes widened when he saw jeno, looking so young. ❝j-jeno?

m-mark?❞ jeno mocked him and then laughed ❝what's wrong with you?

mark then saw a body mirror next to the closet and so he ran towards there and looked at his body from head to toe. his hair was brown, he wasn't that skinny anymore, and he was young, he was in a body of an 18-year-old.

what the fuck.❞ mark whispered

mark, you are acting weird.❞ jeno stared at his friend, worried plastered on his face.

what day is it today?

jeno took out his phone ❝june 6, 2018

2018? mark furrowed his brows. the last time checked the year, it was 2031. how did he go 13 years back?

anyways i'll be downstairs, you should hurry up.❞ jeno pointed at the clock ❝we are late.

mark watched jeno leave the room and closed the door. silence was all he needs to think properly. so like he just had an argument with donghyuck about him still contacting yukhei and slept at the sofa in the living room and now he woke up sleeping on his old bed in his shared apartment with jeno.

once again┃markhyuckWhere stories live. Discover now