Chapter 12 - Chemistry

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"Shot ready madam." Shubha was asked to take her position. She stood there and looked at Vikram. The scene required her to look into his eyes. 

"If you really are the princess of neighbouring kingdom, then answer this. Why shouldn't I tie you up and hand you over to your aunt? That will help me gain an ally" Vikram said his dialogue.

She looked into his eyes.  "I'm beginning to..." She forgot the dialogue. "What's the dialogue again?"

"Your dialogue is 'I am beginning to suspect you don't want to.' Simple." said Vikram.

A few minutes later they had second take. "I am beginning to think you..." She forgot again.

"It's okay. It happens" said Vikram. 

It continued for another four takes. Vikram was mildly surprised to see her struggling to utter a simple dialogue. "Any problem?"

"I think I am unable to memorize the dialogue" Shubha lied.

"Unable to memorize? Last week you spoke one and a half page long dialogue. You finished it in a single take." He couldn't understand what the problem was. "Take a break."

"What? No. I can do this."

"I think you need a break."

"No. Please. One more shot." She requested. 

He nodded. "You need touch up. The red paint looks dry." The makeup artists immediately worked on the injury on her forehead. She took her position after that.

"I am beginning to suspect you don't want to." She said quickly, without looking at him.

"Why so fast? Is anyone chasing you?" asked Vikram. The entire unit laughed. 

"I think I need a break." She went to have lunch. 

"What's the problem?" asked Pragathi.

"I am scared to work with him."

"What? You weren't scared earlier. What happened now?"

"I don't know"

"Shubha, something's bothering you. Come on. Say it. Maybe I could help." Pragathi offered.

"Because this scene requires me to show the character's fierce side. I have to look into his eyes. I may pretend that I am equally good. But the truth is, he is a brilliant actor and I have to work much harder to reach his standard." Shubha explained.

"I also faced this problem during my initial days as an actor. Those were the days when every actor on the sets looked more talented than me. It will fade away eventually."

"There is also something in the way this man stares at me. It disturbs my concentration." Shubha added.

"Strange. In my opinion the way you stare at him is also intimidating. I don't know how he manages to speak when you look at him like that. Maybe it doesn't affect him--"

"On the contrary, it does affect him." Vikram interrupted them. 

"It's rude to eavesdrop" said Shubha.

"It's even more rude to talk about a person behind his back." He settled down between the ladies.

"We weren't gossiping. I was explaining my problem" said Shubha, defensively.

"You know what's funny? You have a problem with me but you decide to hide it from me and tell everyone else despite knowing very well that I am ready to help you" said Vikram.

"Alright. I am sorry. Now please help me." Shubha avoided all pretense and asked him.

"As I was saying, every word and expression of my co-stars affects me. But I don't let that alter my performance. I don't get scared. Instead, I think of ways in which I can enhance mine as well as your character. The problem is you are viewing the characters as two different entities while I see it as a part of one story. Don't compete with your co-stars. Try to complete each other's performance by adding your own attributes to the scene." Vikram advised her. "A great actor doesn't dominate others but makes them look equally good."

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