Chapter 34 - Captain of the ship

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My favourite part of this story. 


Shubha reached Latha's house and searched for Vikram. He was nowhere to be seen. She asked a maid who informed that he was cleaning his bikes. 

She walked towards him. He was humming a song and caressing an old bike as if it were his firstborn.

"Did you clean my scooter too?" Shubha asked, looking at her pink scooter gleaming under the sun.

"I did. Your scooter was so dusty that I could write my name with my finger several times." He gave her a charming smile.

She shook her head to break the charm. "Did you hear the news? It's not true. Right?"

His smile disappeared. "About replacing me? I'm afraid, it is."

"They can't replace you. You have done a great job. The film is a blockbuster because of you."

"Think practically. I am a new comer. There are many talented directors ready to take up this responsibility. It will be good for the film." He said more to himself than to her. "There are discussions going on with three directors."

"Where were they when the first part was being filmed? Now that we have ensured the next part is a blockbuster even before it's release, everyone is interested in this." She said angrily.

"Shubha, listen." He used her first name which annoyed her. "There is already a twitter trend going on to replace me."

"What trend?" Shubha opened her account to see #ReplaceVikramVerma trending. She felt sad. "I know it's all part of politics. Those three idiots are behind this."

"Forget it Shubha."

"No. They crossed the line with this hashtag."

"Honestly, it doesn't bother me. The only thing about the hashtag that annoys me is that they got my spelling wrong. It's Varma. Not Verma." He tried to lighten the mood.

"How can you be so unaffected when they are taking away everything you deserve?" She couldn't believe what she was witnessing. She wasn't sure what irked her more. The hashtag or his behavior.

"I wanted dad's last film to be remembered forever. I wanted to give you all a blockbuster. I wanted you to win best debut award. I got what I wanted. It doesn't matter whether they replace me now. I'm happy." He smiled at her.

"I'm not. I can't let this happen."

"We can't do anything. Mom is on leave. I want her to stay away from all these tensions. I asked her not to get involved in this. She agreed. Let Srujana garu and Keshav decide what to do." He sighed. "Besides, I think I deserve this for hurting everyone." He muttered.

"You give up very easily. Let me handle this." She stormed away.

'How will she handle this?' He followed her inside the house.


"I don't have the patience to convince this boy. I would have fought everyone else if he was confident. But here, he thinks it is for the best. You convince him if possible. Hope he listens to you." Latha shook her head.

"Why do you think it is for the best?" Shubha demanded.

"Because everyone thinks so." Vikram answered.

"Define everyone." She ordered.


"No. Tell me. Who do you mean by everyone? The new directors whom the script has been offered to? The people who have nothing good to do other than trending some rubbish online? The evil-minded person who wants to take your mother's place? Is this the everyone you are talking about?" Shubha asked him calmly. Latha's lips curved into a smile.

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