Chapter 22 - The dancing session

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"What are you talking about? I can't bring you two here." Vikram was talking to the twins on phone.

"No. Shubha akka said we are allowed. Dhruva and I got A+ grade in almost all subjects. We are going. You have to take us." Disha ended the call.

"Hey, listen. These two." Vikram sighed. "They are just like me."

Shubha cleared her throat. "Okay. Maybe a bit more well-behaved than me." He corrected his statement.

They started having lunch when the Production Designer, Manish, sat beside Vikram to discuss an issue. "Vicky, there's a problem."


"The budget allocated for the set of new courtroom is very less. It won't match up to the grandeur of the earlier scenes. I met the production team. They are asking me to adjust. Very politely of course." Manish ranted.

"That's not fair. I will talk to them." Vikram wanted the quality to be consistent throughout the film.

"Meet them personally this evening." Shubha suggested.

"I would have, if I had time. This is the last schedule. I have to complete it in three weeks. These days I am being asked to adjust a bit too much. I'll put an end to this now."

Vikram made a video call to the production team. "Hello. Good morning. Hope you all are having nice time."

"Vikram. How are you? Do you need something?" asked a woman named Srujana. She was the second most powerful woman in the production company after Latha.

"Yes. I need money." He smiled sweetly.


"I am asking for something I was promised, before I started directing the film. Which includes, a grand courtroom set, retaining all the technicians for a three more weeks, kick-starting promotions from this weekend and a huge vintage car." He placed his demands before them. "The last one is not mandatory though. Who will concentrate on the model of my car?"

Shubha and Manish laughed silently. Srujana didn't seem to like it. "Vikram, we need to have a meeting. Let's discuss this--"

"There won't be any discussion ma'am. I need these to finish the film making process.  I will be waiting for the producer's approval." He said clearly indicating that the decision was not hers to make.

"The board has decided to cut down the costs" said Keshav, his father's friend.

"Not with my film. If you want to cut down the costs, start with the toys, T-shirts and various other products you sell in the name of merchandising. You got my point?" Vikram tried to keep his voice as calm as possible. "We are are film producers. Not toy makers."

"Vikram, listen. This film already has a huge budget." Srujana tried to explain. "It's risky to invest more money on this."

"Funny, that's not what you said when you all wanted me to direct this. Back then you were happy to have found someone foolish enough to take the responsibility. I am not asking for extra money. I am asking for what I have been promised." He emphasized the last part.

"It's just a small scene. Who will notice a 5-minute-long scene in a two-and-half-hour long movie? All other scenes are perfect. This one will go unnoticed." Keshav remarked.

Vikram couldn't understand how his father made friends with a man like Keshav. He did nothing, except discouraging others. "If you are to buy a dress for your daughter, and there's this extremely pretty dress with just a small stain on it, will you buy it thinking she won't notice that?"

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