Chapter 43 - The promotional interview

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Shubha took a deep breath to calm down. It was her first solo interview. Vikram wanted to kick start promotions before the shooting part was wrapped up. They arranged an interview for her on the sets.

After a string of questions about the film, the interviewer slowly shifted the subject to questions about pay gap between men and women in the film industry. "Shubha garu, according to you, everyone at Latha productions, treat the actresses like queens. Then why don't they pay the actresses and actors equally, might I ask?" The interviewer smirked. "Your remuneration is one-tenth of what Naveen garu is being paid."

Shubha smiled at her. "A very good question. I was waiting for someone to ask me this." Her smile grew wider making the interviewer frown. "I believe in equal pay irrespective of gender. But I fail to understand why you are viewing it this way. I will give you a new perspective. Only if you are comfortable."

"Sure ma'am." The interviewer didn't have a choice but to listen.

"Consider a project in a software company. How much does a Manager earn? And how much does an Associate Software Engineer earn? Are they being paid equal amount of money?" Shubha asked her.

"No ma'am. The manager earns more because he is experienced."

"Exactly. Comparing my pay with that of Naveen's is foolishness. He has been an actor for seven years. He is a big star while I am a new comer. And I don't know about other production houses, but ours does treat actresses like queens. Dhwani is more experienced than Naveen. So she is paid more than him." Shubha explained.

"So, it depends on how bankable the star is?" asked the interviewer.

"Yes and no." Shubha answered. "To some extent, your pay is proportional to your stardom. But there are other factors. Like your role in the film. My role was shorter in the first part. It's lengthier and crucial in the second part. So, the pay has increased. There are a lot of factors we need to consider. Having said that, I firmly believe women are equally capable of carrying an entire film on their shoulders. What we need are better roles for women. I can see that our film industry is changing. Women are being given meaningful roles than just being eye candies. I know we have a long way to go. But we need to appreciate the change. We need to encourage film with good roles for women." She emphasized the last part. "That will automatically decrease the pay gap."

"That's very well put Shubha garu." The interviewer looked impressed. "Before we end our interview, could you please speak a few words about Vikram garu? About the Vikram you know?"

Shubha could feel her cheeks turn pink. She smiled. "Vikram... what can I say about him? If I start talking about him you may have to extend the interview by another hour." She chuckled.

"He is a true hero. I am not saying his because he is my fiance." She touched her engagement ring with her fingers. It had been a month since they got engaged. It was a simple yet beautiful ceremony. "I am saying this because he was my hero even before we started our relationship. Any human with a good physical strength can fight and beat people up. It doesn't mean that they are heroes in real life. A true hero fights for a noble cause. A true hero respects others irrespective of their social status. A true hero inspires others to take a stand, when they themselves have given up all the hope, and help them fulfill their dreams. That's the Vikram I know. He is all this and much more to me. It takes a true hero to do what he did for me and everyone who placed their trust in him."

The interviewer clapped her hands. "Shubha garu, how did you feel when he didn't receive any award for the film?"

"To someone like Vikram, awards don't matter. The only thing that matters to him is  how much audience loved his film. We may not remember the list of award winners after ten years. But this film will be remembered as long as Telugu Film Industry is alive. That is the biggest award."


"Your interview is trending everywhere" said Chris.

"One of the best interviews I have witnessed in recent times" said Latha. "I'm happy that you spoke so well. I hope we are worthy of the praise."

"Of course, amma" said Shubha. "In fact you deserve to be praised more than him. Everything Vikram is today, is because of you."

"I disagree. I'm not the only one who made Vikram what he is today" said Latha.

"Mom is right. I am what you all made me to be. If I could achieve my dreams it is because of every single person who stood by me when I needed support. I am not me without you all." Vikram tried to keep his speech short.

"Are you practicing for the award function next year? Make it more dramatic." said Naveen. Shubha exchanged high-five with him.

"These two are a dangerous combination" said Pragathi.

"Isn't that exactly why we like them? The kids of our group" said Dhwani.

"I want a new set of kids to play with. I will get you married soon." Latha told Naveen. Rukhsar blushed. "I know it's early. Did you talk to your father?" She asked him.

"No aunty. He doesn't approve of Rukhsar. He wants a rich daughter-in-law." Naveen's words made everyone's smile disappear. Rukhsar lowered her head.

"What did you say?" Shubha asked him.

"I told him that he can never have a daughter-in-law. Because he doesn't have a son." Naveen answered.

The group stared at him, shocked. "Did you really say that?" 

"Yes. He was never a part of my life. He is not my family. You guys are. I want Latha aunty to perform all the rituals from my side" said Naveen.

"That's a... wonderful idea" Vikram looked at his mother. Latha didn't speak.

"Aunty, I'm sorry if I am expecting too much. It's just that I think of you as a family." Naveen looked anxious.

"But... How can I? I am a widow." Latha said in a weak tone.

"Amma, what would you have done if he was alive?" asked Shubha. "Would you have agreed?"

"Yes. But our tradition..."

"Any tradition that stands in the way of our happiness must be discarded. You are the compassionate woman who took a girl in when she was thrown out of her hostel. You are the brave woman who took up the responsibility of this project when no one else dared to. You are the strong woman who fought your colleagues bravely when they tried to put you down. You always made him feel proud. Make him proud once again. Prove that you don't care about the society. Prove that he lives on.... through you." Shubha looked anxiously at Latha.

Latha wiped a lone tear that escaped her eyes. "Can't waste my time shedding tears when we have two weddings to plan. Vikram and Shubha will get married in two months. And two months after that Naveen will marry Rukhsar."

"Yes!" Vikram exclaimed. He felt proud of his mother. Sure, people would frown at them. But that wouldn't stop them. They were a family. 


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