|17| That's My Family, Guys

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Brooke's POV

🔥 Cayden 🔥
Okay, baby. I'm glad
you made it there safe.
I'll call you in about 30 mins.
And yes I did! You aren't wearing
those for nobody but me.
So since I'm not there...
You don't need them.
Miss you 😘😍

    I shook my head, locking my phone and putting it back in my pocket. As much as I want to say that I don't believe Cayden stole all of my nice, very expensive underwear and replaced them with not so very attractive ones, I actually do believe it. It's just such a Cayden thing to do. I can't wait until I get the opportunity to steal all of his Calvins out from his bag and replace them with tighty whities. Maybe I'll do it when I get back and he has a going away game. That'll definitely give the boys in the locker room something to talk about.

    Nah! Knowing Cayden, he'll probably make wearing them a trend.

    Lucky for me, it was early evening in Hawai'i so I still had the chance to go to the mall. Hopefully, Victoria's Secret has some kind of sale on panties since it's Christmas time.

    "BK, is your ass here yet," I heard my cousin scream at the top of her lungs right before hearing my front door slam.

    "Leila, watch your fucking mouth," my mom scolded her.

    That's my family, guys! That's what I had to grow up in.

    "Sorry, Aunty Kim," Leila laughed.

    "She's in her room. I don't know, though. She might be sleeping. She had a long flight."

    "Well, she's about to get her ass — I mean, butt — woken up," my other cousin Kelsey said.

    "I swear, your mother and I gave birth to each other's daughters," my mom told them, most likely while shaking her head.

    When I was three years old, my parents Kim and Brad, got pregnant again. When they told me about their pregnancy, I swear I remember telling them that I wanted a sister. But unfortunately, I was cursed with my younger brother Brody. I mean Brody's alright or whatever, but he's not the same as having a sister.

    I guess God must have heard all my prayers because next thing we all knew, my Aunty Kelly got pregnant and gave birth to Leila then Kelsey the following year. The two of them are the closest thing to sisters that I got. But to be real, being birthed by the same mother, couldn't make the three of us any closer.

    Although, I do wish they were closer to me in age, That way, they could have gone to school with me and prevented me from making some horrible decisions in the boyfriend and friends department.

    The sounds of a stampede running up the stairs caught my attention. Next thing I knew, my door flew open and hit against my wall.

    "Ahhhhh," they both shrieked as they jumped on top of me, knocking me over and slamming me onto the floor.

    "You three better watch out with all that pounding before you guys fall through my ceiling," my mom yelled from downstairs.

    "I can't believe you're finally fucking here. It felt like you were gone for years," Leila screamed while rolling off of me.

    The three of us picked ourselves off of the floor and sat down in various places in my room. Me on my bed, Kelsey at my computer desk, and Leila on my bungee chair. "So, what's been going on since I left," I asked them.

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