|35| Love, But Not In Love

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Author's Note-

Please don't hate me for this.

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Brooke's POV

Mya 👯‍♀️
Are sleeping at the dorms

Miss me?

Mya 👯‍♀️
No. I was thinking of renting
out your bed.

Def. sounds like you miss me.

Mya 👯‍♀️
Okay. Okay.
Maybe a little.
That much.

Yeah. Sure. 😜
How bout I tell my two kids
that I'm spending the night with
you & we can have a best friend's

Mya 👯‍♀️
Two kids?

Cayden & Cayleigh

Mya 👯‍♀️
Lol 😂
Sounds like a plan

See you tonight.

"Who you texting," Jake asked.

Jake and I were both on our way into the dinning hall. Him to eat lunch with the guys and me to, as of one second ago, tell Cayden my new plans for the night.

In the past month and a half that Cayden and I have been together, I've spent all of zero days in my dorm room. Which I'm not complaining about of course because at Cayden's house, the bed is a billion times softer, I can watch actual tv, and I get the pleasure of seeing two of my most favorite people in the world on a daily.

I still practically live out of my overnight bag, which Cayden always feels a need to make a comment on, but it's because I just don't want to make myself feel too welcomed. You know?

I mean, he's all lovey dovey now and doesn't even hint that he wants me to leave when the day ends. But honestly, I think we're both still in the honeymoon phase.

And what if one day he feels like he wants his own space? I don't want him to have to feel guilty about wanting me to get out of the house he pays for to live in. So I try to take up as little space as possible.

    "It's Mya, Mom," I teased.

    "Jesus! It was just a question," he responded and shoved me away.

    "Let me ask you just a question then." He wagged his eyebrows at me, telling me to go on. "When are you gonna drop the whole 'I hate Cayden's guts' act?"

    "It's not an act. I really do hate his guts right now," he deadpanned. "More so because you've asked me that question every five seconds for the past two weeks."

    "It's because I want you guys to make up. I honestly think you guys are fighting for a stupid reason. And I hate it even more that, once again, you two are fighting because of me."

    "Both of those fights were his fault, though. I have every right to be upset with him over what he said and, in this case, didn't say." He stopped walking and turned to face me. "And I don't think this one's for a stupid reason. He literally just let that asshole talk shit about you to his face."

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