|39| F**k With My Kid

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Brooke's POV

"Had I known the way to Cayd's heart was through his little brat, I would've volunteered at her school a long time ago, too," Hazel the Bitch loudly whispered.

    Little brat?

    Little. Brat.

       Those two words kept repeating themselves over and over in my head. I kept hearing her voice speak them. I kept seeing her mouth form into a smirk after saying them. And I kept imagining how her face would feel against my fist.

    I think it'd feel pretty fucking perfect if you asked me.

    How dare she speak of my kid like that! Who the fuck does she think she is?

    At this point, my animosity towards her doesn't even have anything to do with Cayden anymore. She can have him for all I fucking care. Hell, they could run off into the sunset and live the next 60 years of their lives in some bullshit, happily ever after fairytale and I would pay no mind to them at all.

    But this bitch will learn, right this fucking second, that she's crossing a pretty fucking huge and obvious, neon yellow line every time she just so much as even thinks about Cayleigh. Let alone mentions her name.

    Because no matter who Cayden decides to spend the rest of his life with, whether it's me or one of his groupies, Cayleigh will always be MY daughter. And there's nothing anyone can say or do about it.

    I guess you better get those adoption papers rolling real quick, then.

Yep and I plan on doing just that. But first, a bitch needs to be put in her place.

Without even the slightest of hesitation, I made my way up to Hazel. "The fuck you just say, bitch?"

    Mya rushed to my side and put her arm in front of my body, pushing me back to separate me from Hazel. It took Hazel a quick second to compose herself and realize what was happening. But as soon as she did, it made me want to pummel her into the ground even more than I did a second earlier.

  "Oh, nothing," she innocently responded, even going to the extent of batting her eyelashes at me. But I knew it was fake. Especially since the corners of her mouth snuggly began to pull up. "I was just telling Dani how great Cayden is with his mouth. I mean, that boy's tongue game is just amazing, isn't it?"

Great! One more name to add to the growing list of people who my boyfriend shoved his dick in. That's two names in less than five hours.

She didn't say anything about his dick.

    Fuck, that's right! She talked about his tongue. The very same tongue that I allow him to put into my mouth. Eww, I think I just threw up a little.

    Not wanting Hazel to realize that she was getting under my skin, I changed my whole demeanor. I let go of the angry face that I was sprouting and in turn put on a neutral one. "And how exactly would you know that? Cayden told me he's never been with you before," I fibbed in a suggestive tone. One that said, I know something that you don't.

"I hate to break it to you, sweetie, but your boyfriend lied to you."

Still keeping my nonchalant tone, I responded, "I'm pretty sure it's you who's lying. Cayden doesn't lie." I lifted one of my eyebrows up at her. "And I'm not just talking about to me. I'm talking about to anyone." Hoping that Cayden's reputation went hand and hand with my lie, I added, "Ask somebody if you don't believe me."

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