|24| Because I Really Need To Know

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Author's Note-

    Damn, guys! Do you believe that The Quarterback's Princess just made over 20,000 reads and 1,000 votes. That is just so surreal to me. Honestly! I remember when I was 9 chapters deep and only had like 300 reads and 5 votes. Now look!

    I'm so thankful to every one of you guys that's reading this. Now, the only goal I have for TQP is actually finishing it. Which will happen!

    Thank you all, again.

X O 💕

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Brooke's POV

As soon as I got off the phone with my sleepy family, I heard a knock at my front door. I had every intention of letting this person knock since all the important people already have a key to the house. But the person at the door was very reluctant to leaving me alone since the knocking continued the whole time I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth. And since I could still hear Brody snoring and no one else answered the door, I'm going to assume my parents went on their annual Christmas date for brunch this year instead of dinner.

As I made my way downstairs, I tried to make myself look semi-decent, considering I just woke up a half hour ago. But the moment I looked through the peephole, a quick second of fury overtook me and I no longer gave a fuck what I looked like.

    I swear to God if Leila told her to come here, she was so dead!

    I opened the door and gave the person in front of me the most uninterested look that I could come up with. I didn't move. I didn't speak. Hell, I didn't even blink. That's how badly I didn't want to entertain her.

I should've just ignored the knocking.

    "Hey," Maddison shyly mumbled.

    I leaned against the door frame with my arm propped up against it and wagged my eyebrows at her. A look of hurt spread across her face and for a split second, I thought she was going to turn around and walk away. But she didn't. Instead, she took a deep breath and confidently asked to come in.

    I guess now's the time to have this conversation. I'd rather have had it later rather than sooner but I guess no time is better than the present. Right? I mean, I could always just turn her away. But honestly, I don't think I'll ever be stronger than I am right now to have this talk.

    I rolled my eyes and shrugged at her, then moved to the side to grant her entrance into my house. I can't help but act like a bitch towards her. It's like second nature to me. Whenever I just hear the names Maddox, Maddison, or Angel, my body automatically goes into defense mode.

    As soon as she stepped past me, she went to walk up the stairs, but at the last second made the decision to walk towards the living room instead. It was probably just out of habit since every other time that she came here, she's always just went straight up to my room, even if I wasn't home.

    She took a seat on the two seater in my living room, while I sat on the arm rest of the couch directly in front of her. She looked stiff and uncomfortable as hell. The atmosphere that surrounded us was so awkward, I didn't even want to look at her.

    But I did. Intimidation just radiating out of my pores.

    "I didn't test positive for anything so you can relax over there," I told her.

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