Chapter 4

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Rachel's POV
Why does my life have to be so complicated. I have to walk all this way to be then driven right back to where i set off from... I should just talk to them. It would be easier. Finn will be a little harder to talk to but... the others should... Should be fine. They need to realise that i do still love them and i want to be friends again.

I just got to Starbucks, I'm gonna get myself a coffee and wait till San comes so we can just go straight away.

???: Hey, Rachel... (smirk)

Rachel: He- Wha- What are you doing here?

Santana's POV
Poor Rach. She has to hide from everyone she loves, one mistake caused all of this. Im gonna help her, she will apologise right? Yes. We need to have her in our lives... She always knows what to say, or do.
Okay. I have to leave now or else shes gonna get mad.
Once i got to Starbucks i see Rachel in the car park...

Rachel: NO BRODY.

Brody: I didn't ask a question, Rach. i said... YOU ARE COMING WITH ME! (he grabbed hold of Rachel's arm.)

Santana: RACH?

Rachel and Brody turned around at the sound of Santanas voice. Brody let go of Rachel got in his car and drove towards Rachel, who was still looking at Santana.

Santana: RACHEL MOVE!! (She said running towards Rachel to push her out the way)

Rachel: San, what? (Brody runs over Rachel)

Brody: Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha... Bitch i warned you.

Santana continued to run towards Rachel who was now screaming in pain.


When Santana reached Rachel she picked her up into her arms and sat on the floor beside her as she watched Brody driving away laughing.

Santana's POV

I needed to call someone. I got out my phone and called and ambulance.

Santana: Hello, i'd like and ambulance service please!

Service women: okay, what is your emergancy?

Santana: Well my friend has been runover by her stupid boyfriend....


Service women: Her legs were run over the most?

Santana: Yes i don't think she could stand up, and i don't want to try on my own.

Service women: Okay, your location please?

Santana: okay? Erm.. We are in New York's Starbucks car park. I cant remember the street I'm sorry.

Service women: its okay. I know where you mean. The ambulance will be there is less than two minutes so hold onto her tight and tell her its gonna be okay? Be calm.. Okay?

Santana: Okay.. Thankyou. Bye ( Hangs up)

Santana hugged and tried to calm Rachel until the ambulance people got to her.

Paramedic: Okay. We need to give her pain relief and on a stretcher.

And as if by seconds Rachel stopped screaming and began to close her eyes.

Santana: RACH.. Don't sleep.. Okay? Please don't

Paramedic: its okay. Its normal if she does.

Suddenly Rachel was in the ambulance with Santana following her. Santana decided that she couldnt be alone at the hospital waiting and crying. Her car phone began to ring, Finn.

Santana: Hey. Finn (sniffling and sad)

Finn: Santana are you okay? Where are you?

Santana: I'm fine, but someone isnt and they are in A FREAKING AMBULANCE ON THE WAY TO THE HOSPITAL FINN. AND I HAVE TO BE THERE FOR HER!

Finn: San i don't know who it is but Me and Brittany are gonna come down and comfort you k?

Santana: Thanks and you'll be happy to see who she is by the way. I know you do.

Finn: Okay San. Im gonna go get Brittany. Okay, bye. (Hangs up)

Santana gets to the hospital and rushes in.

Finn's POV

Who does she mean? Ill be happy to see her? i have no clue... I get brittany and we began driving to the hospital.

Finn: Britt, do you know who id be happy to see? that i probably haven't seen in a while?

Britt: Well, of course i do. Santana text me. She's right. But you can't be mad today, okay?


Santana's POV

I cant believe they wont let me see her. I've been sat here for just under 10 minutes and no one has said anything. Suddenly i see Britt with Finn following. Brittany hugs me when...

Nurse: For Rachel Berry?

I let go of Brittany, looked up at Finn who was in shock. i touched his arm and lead them the the women.

Santana: Yes, is she okay?

Nurse: Santana, can i talk to you in... Private?

I walked towards the nurse and we walked into a corner.

Santana: whats up with Rach?
I said with tears in my eyes.

Nurse: Well, Rachel has got some bad injuries to her legs and her left is easily broken. The left is, what we can see, the one that took the impact the most.

Santana: Okay. Anything else?

Nurse: She had been hit in her lower stomach and uterus.

Santana: So, what does that mean?

Nurse: We dont know yet. She leeps asking for you... And someone called Fish?

Santana: Haha No i think its Finn. Is she awake?

Nurse: Yes, but woozy. Room 238

Santana: Okay thank you.

I walk back over to Britt and Finn. Finn is still in shock and Britt just ran over to me and asked if she was okay, i just nodded. I grabbed Finn's hand.

Santana: Finn, shes asking for you.

We walked towards her room. Rachel isn't facing us. One leg was in a golden cast, so Rachel Berry. her brunette hair is falling towards us. And with my last thoughts gone because Finn had let go of my hand and opened the door. He sat down at the chair next to her bed and placed his hand on her hair.

Finn: Rach?...

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