Chapter 5

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Rachel's POV

It hurts everywhere. something is missing. None of this would have happened if i'd have gone with him.

I felt a hand touch my hair. I knew who it was, Santana. I could look at anyone though, it was my fault. I feel terrible.

???: Rach?...

This isnt San? What the hell.. Its a mans voice. I cant remember who though.

Rachel:(groggy) erm.. Yeah?

I needed to know who it was, i felt the hand move from my hair and i instantly felt sad. I heard footsteps moving away from me. For some reason my eyes closed and a began to cry. What is going on. Suddenly there was a bang at the bottom of the bed and the bed slightly shifted...

???: OW!! Sorry i like.. um.. tripped

Rachel: N-no its fine...

The footsteps began to come closer to me and then faded. The ear bursting squeak from a chair that was being pulled. One tiny squeak later and 'he' was sat. I felt tiny piece of weight move from the bed, his hand was coming to my face. 'He' placed it on my cheek.

???: Rachel.... Look at me... Please

I opened my eyes slowly and once they were fully open i saw a handsome, brown haired man, sitting looking at me with tears in his chocolate eyes.

Rachel: Hi...?

???: How are you feeling?

Rachel: I'm a little sore and i have a head ache but I'm sorry. Who are you?

???: Wait, y-you don't remember me?

His eyes were tearing up. I don't remember him. Although i didnt want him to cry...

Rachel: I'm sorry. but please don't cry. (leans in to hug him)

'He' hugged her and let a few tears slip into the hospital gown i was wearing. Man these things are so ugly, its unreal.

'He' pulled away and was about to speak...

???: Well, I'm...

Doctor: Hello, Rachel. How do you feel?

Rachel: Well, i have a headache and my hips down hurt and ache.

Doctor: Okay, your hips down will hurt because this is where you had your accident. But can you explain the headache.

???: Well, she cant remember who i am?!

Doctor: If this is true Rachel we will have to take you for examinations on your head?

Rachel: Yes, i can't remember who he is or his name.

???: My name is ... Finn.

Doctor: Okay... Well Rachel in around an hour we will take you for a MRI scan and see whats going on.

Rachel: Okay thank you (The doctor leaves) I am sorry i dont remember you... (looking down)

Finn: Hey, it's okay. ill go and get Santana.. Okay?

Rachel: Yeah, thanks.

Finn's POV

I can't believe she doesn't remember me. I also can't believe i cried...

Finn: San can you come in here?

Santana: I thought you could talk to her?!

Finn: Well i would... If she knew who i was...

Santana walked towards Finn, looked up at him then put her head down and walking into Rachel's room.

Britt: Finn, are you okay?

Finn: Yeah, its just weird seeing her again, and like this.

Britt: I understand, are you gonna go back in?

Finn: I-i don't know...

Britt: What she did... Is the past Finn...

Finn: I know but its hard

Britt: Just go in...

Santana's POV

I've never seen Rach like this... Her body is almost lifeless. She won't stop crying and she won't tell me why.. Well... i haven't asked but i know he wont tell me...

Rachel: (sniffling)

Finn:(knocking) Hey can i come in?

Santana: su...

Rachel: Yeah. Please.

Finn takes a seat at the window of the room far away from Rachel's hospital bed.

Doctor:(knocks and enters) Okay Rachel we can take you for a MRI now.

Santana: Wait what?

Doctor: Oh Yes. Mr...(puts a hand on Finns shoulder)

Finn: Hudson

Doctor: Mr Hudson made us realise that Miss Berry could have a minor injury to the head, causing memory loss. We need to make sure there is no further injuries.

Santana: But... Rach, you can remember me?!

Rachel: I only remember you being at Starbucks and then i fell or something. You yelled my name i think, I don't know.

Santana: Doctor, How long could she have memory loss for?

Doctor: Can please take Miss Berry to MRI then talk about the details afterwards. She can choose one person to go with her otherwise the rooms will become crowded.

Rachel: I choose... (Looks at Santana)

Santana: (nods and mouths "Finn")

Rachel: (nods) Finn.

Finn: Huh? (Looks up)

Doctor: Okay, Mr Hudson. Please follow me. (Has unplugged the bed from the wall and is now pushing it out the door)

Rachel: Come on Finn (Smiles weakly)

Finn: Coming (runs to catch up and holds Rachel's hand) It's okay you'll be fine. Believe me.


Hey guys. I hope you like my story so far. I need to work out when i'm going to update. This is my first story... What do you think?

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