Chapter 6

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Finn's POV

Finn: You'll be fine. Believe me.

Rachel: I don't know, i still can't remember you. Will I be fine?

Before Finn could say anything else the Doctor pushed Rachel into the MRI room. He was not allowed in the room, as were nobody but he could stand at the window and watch.

After the MRI was over

Rachel's POV

Doctor: Rachel can i talk to you in my office... alone? The nurses will take your bed back to your room for you.

Rachel: Yeah, sure.

Finn sits outside the office waiting for Rachel to out.

Inside the office

The doctor walks around his desk and sits down on his chair.

Doctor: Please sit down Miss Berry.

Rachel sits down at the chair across from the doctor and leans forward, rubbing her hand down her broken leg.

Doctor: Rachel, how are you feeling?

Rachel: My headache is feeling better but from my stomach down is sore and hurting.

Doctor: Yes, about your headache, you shall experience temporary memory loss...

Rachel: (interrupts) Okay thats great (gets up and begins to leave)

Doctor: But... Miss Berry..

Rachel turned to face the doctor once again, nodding and sitting back down.

Doctor: There is a slight issue evolving around your unborn baby...

Rachel was speechless and in shock.

Doctor:... Due to the impact of the car crash that baby has unfortunately passed away. Due to this we, as a hospital could set you on a number of tracks...

Rachel: W-wait... B-baby?

Doctor: Yes Miss Berry. (He had a sympathetic look on his face) We have a two options for women your age. Number 1 is that you could take the pain from the baby and have a c-section to remove the child in 3-6 weeks or.. Number 2 you could take a pill, which is designed to break down the baby's cells and turn the into blood which you shall pass normally. What ever you choose, the doctors will help.

Rachel: But.. I.. Are you sure this is me?... I was... I was never pregnant...

Doctor: We are completely sure Miss Berry. I will give you a couple of hours to think and talk about this with your friends and family. I do recommend not staying alone after leaving this hospital.

Rachel was crying and sobbing into her hands.

Rachel: W-when am i s-suppose to leave?

Doctor: once you choose your decision, you will be able to leave after a couple of days.

Rachel:(sniffles) Ok.

Doctor calls a nurse to bring a wheelchair to help Rachel back in to her room.

Rachel is wheeled out of the the office to find no Finn.

Rachel: Where the hell is Finn.

Back at Rachel's room

Santana: Hey Rach, Are you okay? You look... Sad?

The nurse helped Rachel back onto her bed and left.

Rachel rolled over to face the wall and asked...

"Where's Finn?"

Santana: i thought he was with you...

Rachel: he left

Rachel told Santana everything about the baby and about the options. She then burst into tears and so did Santana.

After a lot of thinking Rachel said...

"San, i know what I'm going to do"

Santana: Wh-

Doctor: Rachel.. Have you decided?

Rachel: Yes, i want to....

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