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~Aureylian's POV~

Everyone decided to drive to a nearby bowling ally. But there's a problem! I forgot that I came to the karaoke on a taxi and I only have enough money to drive me back to my hotel.

"Guys I'm sorry, but I don think I can go to bowling" I announced

"Why not?" Guude asked. The I told him about the issue and he was making his thinking face. "No, Aurey you have to go wit us, we'll figure something out." Guude continued " so how many people bring a car"

Generik b and Jordan said they brought a car there's about 7 people. All the mindcrack guys came in Gene B's car and Jordan came alone in his rental cars.

"Great, Aurey you can go with Jordan" Guude makes the decision

"No, it's ok I didn't want to bother Jordan" I replied

"I don't mind having another person to talk to in my lonely car!" Jordan answered

"Ok then it's settled, let's go!!" JustVan said excitedly

I'm excited that I got to be alone with Jordan. But why? Don't tell me that I'm attracted to him. Because the last time that happen, things didn't go too well. I decided to just let whatever happen happen.

On the car ride we had many argument about how unicorn doesn't exist

"Unicorn is real! and there's no way that any kind of animal could maneuver some kind of rainbow out of them"

"Jordan, just say u don believe unicorn can pooped rainbow" I said laughing

"Rainbow happen due to the Sun shining toward the earth after a rain and the reflection of the left over water from the rain that project rainbow"

"You are just jealous that you can't compete with a unicorn"

"I don need to compete with a unicorn"

"Unicorn are awesome and it's sparkly unlike you even if your name suggested it! And I'm not gonna let your jealous shenanigan to ruined it! Take that! Ohh I'm so pro at arguing!"

Jordan just laugh and he keep the smiling face through out the ride. taking with Jordan is really fun even when we are arguing because he won't let me win easily. He's so smart and it feel like he know about almost everything. I like that side of him. I feel he's very competitive, and when he lost, he make cute sound! God why is he so cute?

Then we pulled up in the parking lots and walked into the place, rent our bowling shoes and waited for others. When they arrived we started bowling.

I'm not so good, I never got a strike but I got about two spare. Then I look over Jordan's score, he's actually really bad at it! I could see he's getting more and more angry. When it's his turn again I walked toward him and told him some bowling tip. He nodded, pick up a bowling ball then stared to rolled it. He knocked down 9 pin and there another one still standing. "You can do it Jordan!" I yelled. He stared to rolled another ball and it knocked down the last pin. He is so excited. He fist pump and twirl around! Gee he can be such a kid. Everybody give him hi-fives and I was the last one to give a him a hi-five. But I was gonna dodge it. So I put both of my hand to give him a low-five but then raised it up, to only find out that he was doing the same thing, so we just started laughing and gave each other a hug. 

His hug feels warm and i feel his muscle around my body. I feel safe by his hug. I didn't wanted to let go. I was surprised that he didn't let go either.

"What are you guys doing?" Pause asked from behind me. We both suddenly let go of each other. I feel my face getting warmer and I saw Jordan's ear getting red or maybe because he's drunk?

"Nothing" I replied to Pause. Jordan just turn away and watch Generik bowl.

The night have come to an end. everyone started to goodbye to one another. As i was walking to outside to find a cab, I heard someone called my name. So I turned around and see Jordan running.

"Aurey wait up! Geez man why are you walking so fast? I hope your not planing to leave without me!" Jordan said as he's trying to catch up with me.

"I'm just going back to my hotel, I was gonna take the cab"

"There's no need for that, I'm the one who bring you here, it's only appropriate if i drive you back to your hotel."

"oh you don't need to do that"

"NO no no i insist"

"Ok than thank you so much Jordan"

We both walk off and shout our last good bye to the guys~

***You can see the bowling part in JustVan(VanRyderLP) video title "4am Bowling with Minecraft YouTubers and a Leprechaun"***

The Sparkly That Loves Me (Aureylian and Captainsparklez)Where stories live. Discover now