The Meeting

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~Jordan's (CaptainSparklez) POV~

" Finally here" I sigh as walk into my hotel room. I'm here to attend PAX EAST 2013, and the convention start tomorrow I hope there are lots of cool games that I can checked out and get some videos, too.

At the convention I met some of my old friends like Guude and most of the MindCrack dudes. We hangout and checked out lots of games together. They invited me to this youtuber dinner party thing that twitch organized. But I have to tell them that I couldn't go because I already made plans for dinner with a friend in the area. Even when I refused, the guys still insisted on me, going to the karaoke party that is after the dinner. I have no choice but to agree to the karaoke even when I'm terrible at singing, but I didn't wanted to disspoint them.

After the dinner is finished, I drive my rental car to the bar that the karaoke party is being held. When i walk-in, I saw Generik B waving at me. When i walked up to their table, there's a girl that is sitting there with them. I've never seen her before.

"Hey, Jordan glad you made" Pause said to me.

"I never go back on my words" I replied

"Yes, because you are captainsparklez" JustVan said sarcastically.

"Whatever, Jordan let me introduced you to the lovely lady that organized all this" Guude stood up and point to the girl. "Her name is Erin, but we call her Aureylian cuz that's her in-game name"

"Hi" Aureylian smiled at me and handed her hand out for a shake

I shake her hand while awkwardly saying " Hi, I'm Jordan Maron or CaptainSparklez in youtube"

"I know who you are, I've watched your videos" she said smiling at me.

She's quite pretty to be honest. With my job i don't usually connect with girls, but she's different. After the introduction, the guy told me they save me a seat next to Aureylian. We were talking, and taking shots, drinking. I just turned 21 and this is too much, I mean i drink before but i didn't want to be drunk, especially not in front of Aureylian. What will she think of me? I tried to take the occasional shots of liquor , I look over some of the guys already drunk. I think Generik B is really drunk, he started to go up on stage and singing songs and what not. As we watched people sing on the stages Aureylian said that i should go up and sing with her.

"Oh no! trust me you don't want to hear me sing" I told her. It's the truth, and I don't want to embarrassed myself in front of Aureylian. Geez, why can't she understand that I'm trying to keep a good reputation in-front of her.

After a few minute, of me rejected to go sing she just randomly go ask a woman on the table next to us if she wanted to go up and sing with her. Surprisingly, the woman agree. They went up on the stage sing the song "Love Shack" By The B- 52.

Aureylian really give it her all for that song. As she sings the song, I could see Aurey looking at me while she dance and sing.

"Jordan wipe that drool out of your face you look stupid" said Generik B.

" what are you talking about, I'm not drooling" I replied

"I was joking about the drooling but I've never seen you with a smiled soo big on your face before!" Generik B continues " I see someone taking interest in the new friend over there on the stage. Don't Let Aurey caught you looking at her like that."

"I don't know what you're talking about Generik" I took defense. "Whatever you say Jordan" he replied.

After the song end Aurey came back to her seat smiling happily, and I just smiled back at her. "Jordan you should have gone up with me" she said. I just shake my head and said "That's not happening sorry".

While I talk to Aurey i notice she have some kind of light on her dress. Then I realized it's supposed to be an arc reactor from iron.

"You're suppose to be iron man rite?" I asked her. She replied "No, I'm an Iron woman, get it cuz i'm a woman~", she just sit there and laugh at her own joke. She's so cute when she laugh, so I just laugh along with her so she think that her joke is funny.

After a few more people have gone up and sing they all decided to have a little break for taking in more shots. So I gather my courage to ask Aurey about her ideal type of boyfriend, while everyone else is pouring themselves some alcohol. "I like beard~" said Aurey gesturing a beard on her face. She also said something else but i couldn't hear her due to the loud music in the background to I lean in a bit more. reading my gesture, Aurey repeated her self "I think a man with a beard looks very manly. You shave off your bead rite?"

"Yea I did, I tried to grow them out though but they are just getting itchy" I replied in a disappointing tone. I was gonna ask her a few more question, but the guys are saying "Jordan and Aurey stop flirting over there and joined us"

We both smiled and pick up our glasses "Cheers" everyone chug down their beer. Everyone continued to take turn going up on stage singing. they were all so good at singing. But the courage that brought them up there is the alcohol.

Through out the whole time i was talking to Aureylian, I now know that she works for twitch and the one who organized the karaoke, she's divorced, she claim to be older than me (but didn't tell me how old), she have a 4 years old daughter (doesn't bother me at all for some reason), she also post youtube videos, loves pink, glitter, rainbow. She's very girly, usually I don't last too long with a girly girl as my girlfriend, but Aurey seems different, not that I'm saying i wanted her as a girlfriend of anything~.

As the night come closer to an end, I was worried that i would never see her again after this. But the Pause Unpause suggested a great idea.

"Guys, how about we all go bowling before we go back?" Pause yelled in order for everyone to hear him.

"I'm in" "I'm in" "Sure" "yea,cool" ... everyone agrees to go bowling. I'm not that great at bowling but i said yes anyway. Because that way i could stay with Aurey just a little bit longer. I have to somehow impressed her with my bowling skills that I don't have.

**** this chapter is based on guude video "PAX East Day 2 - YouTuber Karaoke" ***

The Sparkly That Loves Me (Aureylian and Captainsparklez)Where stories live. Discover now